Ship Full Of Strangers

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     Peds pounding against the ground as they scurry to help the fallen mech. Sharp turn. Squealing metal. Swiftly. Shouts come from the search parties. Orders to follow. His eyes go wide at the sight. A trooper sighs.

"I don't think there is a need to check," the femme nurse shoots a glare, "we have to try, he is a fallen comrade, he came from Tyger Pax you goon." She sets the bag down as she bends her knee caps to sit softly on the rubble. The mech steps forward some more. The femme checks the scout's spark beat.

"Is he?" The mech asks. All optics shoot to him. Sadness glistening in all their optics. The femme looks at him...she shakes her helm. He was gone.

He gasped, optics widening. Then, a miracle sparked. The scout's optics flickered in their darkened sockets. The femme also gasps, this time, in surprise. It was a miracle. She presses a cloth to the scout's neck cables.

"Faint pulse, fading fast. If you don't get him to Ratchet, he won't make it." The mech nods and grabs the young scout and scurries, like he had before, all the way to the best medic known on the face of their planet.

"Doc," the white and reddish-orange medic snaps his helm to the mech. "WheelJack set him down here." The wrecker nods and places the scout on the table. The medic worked too quickly for the Wrecker to process what was going on.

"Optimus is on his way," Ultra Magnus looks down at the Wrecker. The wrecker nods. Ratchet then starts freaking out after a drawn-out noise echo, "What is that?!" The two mechs look around the corner of the med bay to see the young bot flatlining, "Stay with me kid!" WheelJack shouts. He doesn't know the kid's age but he could tell he was younger.

Then, the noise stopped, he was stable once more. The medic let out a sigh of utter relief. "He's stable, for now."

A thud made the three mechs turn to face a blue and pink femme, "Optimus made it back yet?" The Wrecker couldn't take his optics off of her. The femme was stunning. Not his type but stunning none the less. He looked back at the fallen scout. "Who's the little yellow?" Ratchet sighed, "He's from Tyger Pax, He's the last known survivor. Optimus knows him. I never caught his name though." Arcee nodded as she sat down on a crate of weapons. "We need to take off soon. Got your Jackhammer connected to the ship?" WheelJack nodded.

"Bulks tightening the cables," the Wrecker looked back to the medic. "How's the kid?" Ratchet sighed, "He's a fighter I'll give him that. I don't know if he's going to last the night though. We're gonna have to take him. The cons are gonna be here soon. Everyone is taking off now. Optimus needs to get his sorry aft here." Ultra Magnus glared at the medic, "do not speak of him in such a manner, soldier." Ratchet muttered under his breath as he cleaned up the scout.

"Listen here Wrecker, I don't know you so I'll tell you now. You don't wanna be caught saying something stupid to anyone. Especially Ratchet, he'll kick your aft with a wrench. I know Bulkhead down there is good. He's a softy." Arcee spat at the cut lipped bot. He nodded with a playful smirk. He thought it was funny about the smack the femme talked to him.

"I don't know how long I'm gonna last on this ship then. Don't forget, my ships here too. I'll get away if I have to." The femme huffed and went to help Ratchet with the scout.

"Hey Jackie, the Jackhammer is all good." WheelJack nodded thanks. Bulkhead knew that was how they said their thanks.

A taller bot walked aboard the ship. The blue and red bot had his battle mask on and retracted it as soon as he stepped into the light. "We leave now." Ultra Magnus went to his control area to his ship. He started up the thrusters and lifted off the ground.

"Buckle up." Everyone got to a place. The wreckers stood and held onto a handle. The ship shot far into space. It slowed and went slow. Everyone unbuckled and stood. "Did we have any survivors?" Ratchet nodded to the prime. "One, Optimus." The Prime rose a brow as a sign to continue, "A scout that lead a group through Tyger Pax." The Prime was surprised, everyone could tell.

"Tyger Pax?" Ratchet confirmed this. The prime thought for a moment. "What's the damage?" Everyone waited for the answer, curious themselves, "He has some bent metal that can be easily fixed." Optimus shook his helm, "What else? There is something troubling you." Everyone was now worried, "the damage he took to the throat was...unrepairable. He won't be able to speak. The worst news is that it seems to have been...tore out by force." Gasps filled the ship. Wide optics were everywhere. "Although, I do have the old Cybertronian code he can speak. I've already put it in his coding." The Prime looked down sadly and tightened his servos.

"Do you have a designation?" The medic had a small smile. "You know him I believe." The Prime was curious. The medic leads him to the med bay but, everyone followed. Ultra Magnus stood by the young scout with curious optics as to how the Prime had ties with the youngling.

"Bumblebee?" WheelJack chuckled a bit, "that's the perfect name." Optimus smiled as if it were just him and Bumblebee in the room. "Wow, I didn't know a Prime could smile." Arcee smiled. "I didn't know I'd find myself on a ship full of strangers," Ratchet muttered. Bulkhead grinned, "He's so young. Is he gonna make it Ratchet?" The medic sighed, "I don't know if he's gonna last the night. I'm sorry, I don't have the machinery, It's all destroyed." The Prime rested a servo on the medics shoulder plating, "old friend, Primus is with us all. Bumblebee will make his own choice." The others nodded, this time, no one made a joke.

"He should be up by tomorrow. I'm not sure though." Arcee looked the mech up and down, "are you sure he wasn't just a kid that got lost? He doesn't look like he belongs in the line of duty." The Autobots looked up to there leader, "He earned it. Ironhide and I found him in a pile of rubble when he was younger. His parents had been killed. He was in an orphanage and was let go at the age of fifteen orns(years). I lost track of him since then. Sentinel lost his life in Tyger Pax, he was the Captain of that Sector, that's the only way I know what Bumblebee looks like now."

Bulkhead sighed, "I heard the Allspark got to safety before...Megatron could get to it." He hated Megatron. The evil warlord had only been seen by the big army green bot once. Bulkhead didn't want to see him anytime soon.

"STAY BACK!" They all jumped except for Optimus. The scout jumped up quickly and scooted back to the wall. He pointed his blasters at all of them. They all took steps back. WheelJack started to reach for his sword but was stopped by the Prime. "Why is my voice like this?" The young yellow bot was starting to freak out. "Bumblebee," the scout looked to the prime and went optics wide. "Sorry Optimus Prime sir, I didn't mean to act out." The Prime smiled warmly, "it is no problem young one." Bumblebee lowered his weapons as he noticed the Autobot symbols on everyone. He transformed the weapons away from them, "sorry."

"Bumblebee," The scout looked in the medics direction. "My designation is Ratchet, I operated on you when you were brought in. I can tell you the damage if you'd like." The scout thought for a moment, "please...Ratchet." The medic nodded, "I have no idea who did this to you. Although, I can tell you the damage was...severe. I couldn't fix your voice. Your voice box is missing and has been torn out by force, against your will." The scout pulled his knees to his midsection and rested his helm in them and wrapped his arms around his legs.

"Megatron," everyone was confused. "Megatron tore it out." Everyone was surprised. Arcee shook her helm, slowly. WheelJack has his mouth open a bit. The scout was starting to worry that they would look at him like he wasn't supposed to be there. "He interrogated me about the Allspark, I stalled and was relieved when it had shot off. I had won, but now, it seems I have lost." Arcee looked at the scout sadly. Ratchet shook his helm. "He's gonna pay then," the scruff wrecker hit the wall. The scout flinched, "you did well young one." The scout nodded.

"Not that this is meant to be a tease but, how old are you?" Arcee Asked. The scout sighed, coolant threatening to fall, "sixteen orns." The bot started to leak coolant. A sob erupted his frame. The bots in the room didn't know what to do. The young bot was sobbing his spark out. The young bot was in pain. He lost his voice to the hands of evil. They didn't really know him.

WheelJack sighed and walked to the side of the berth. He grabbed the young bot in his arms. The bot jumped into his arms and sobbed into the bots chassis. The wrecker held him there. He looked at the gazes of everyone. Everyone knew then, that this wasn't going to be a ship full of strangers for long. They were bonding.

The scout soon fell asleep. The wrecker laid him back. "Let's all get some recharge. Ratchet?" The medic smiled, "he'll be just fine."

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