Past Time

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"Ratchet, I swear if you don't let me out of this med bay, you'll get a taste of your own wrench!" Ratchet grumbled underneath his breath as he stomped to the med bay. Cliffjumper laughed at the scene. Tailgate came running out of there as soon as the medic entered.

"He's moody." Tailgate laughed, "Hey, did you find out what's up with that kid's voice?" Cliff looked to the yellow scout that caught the big lob ball the green mech threw. "Megatron ripped it out. He was the reason the AllSpark made it to safety though." The white bot looked to the red in astonishment, "thank him." Tailgate nodded.

"Hey, Tailgate, catch!" Bulkhead threw the lob ball at the poor white bot. The bot caught it and smiled mischievously, "ah man, it's been a while since I've seen one of these!" He chucked the ball back at Bulkhead. "Nice throw!" Bulkhead threw it to Bee who had to jump and catch it. "You know I'm shorter!" Bulkhead chuckled, "Sorry Bee!" The scout chucked it to Tailgate, who caught it with ease.

Cliffjumper made his way to the med bay. Arcee was grumbling as he entered. She looked up and smiled a bit, "didn't know you stayed. Thought you were gonna go off with Tailgate as soon as possible." Cliffjumper smirked at her, "well, I changed my mind." Arcee rose an optic ridge, "is that so?" Cliff nodded. Ratchet also rose an optic ridge. "What made you change your mind?" The red bot thought for a moment before smiling, "I think these bots are good bots, I really don't think I can leave them." Arcee snorted, "I don't know, Ratchet can be kinda mean." Ratchet smiled a bit but made sure to growl.

Ratchet let Arcee free, as long as someone was always by her side. Her and Cliffjumper agreed and Cliff would stay with her the rest of the day. "So, what do you guys do to pass time?" Arcee pointed to Bulkhead, Bee, and Tailgate. The three were still throwing the lob ball around and getting a crack out of it...sometimes real cracks. "Anythin else?" Arcee smiled warmly, "follow me." Cliff snorted, "don't think I have a choice." Arcee rolled her optics but kept to herself.

The two bots walked down a corridor before Arcee took a turn into a room, Cliff hesitantly followed. When the horned bot walked in he noticed a stand that was like an elevator, without the trapped box. Then, he looked up, there was a window to look into space. He smiled at it, "this is...amazing." He looked to Arcee who was smiling happily, "I know. It's so beautiful." The blue and pink femme stared out the window. The red bot wanted to look at the sky but, to him, Arcee was so much more beautiful. She was just so...perfect! He'd never seen a bot in his whole life cycle that would take a hit for him. Tailgate, yes but, never a femme. Especially one with such a demanding personality or fun personality.

"You comin'?" The red bot snapped out of his thoughts and realized he had just been staring at her. She was now on the circle that would lead them up to the window that was like a bowl but upside down. Both of their forms fit into it. The circle stopped when he reached it at a perfect height. Cliffjumper was so amazed by it. Arcee was smiling at him as she watched him look around in amazement. Then, their optics landed on each other.

"I-uh never got to thank you for uh taking that shot for me. So...thanks." Arcee shook her head and back away a bit, "oh no, it's uh, no problem. We're all friends here. We uh, it's just what Autobots do." Cliff felt a pang of hurt that she had said, friends. "Yeah, of course."

"Arcee! Cliffjumper!" Arcee presses a button so that they could both get down. They walked back to the main part of the ship where everyone was.

"Where did you guys go," Tailgate was looking at Cliffjumper. "I showed Cliff here, the window to space." Bulk chuckled, "I remember when you found that Cee, you thought it was the best thing ever." Bee buzzed in small laughter.

"Cliffjumper, do you mind if I ask about your past?" The five bots turned to see Optimus, his warm personality surrounding the conversation. "Not at all, sir," Cliff took a seat on a crate. Tailgate sat next to him. Arcee sat on a different crate. Bulkhead sat on another crate and Bee took a seat next to the crate on the ground. He pulled his back body closer to his kneecaps so his door wings wouldn't hit the crate behind him.

"Well, I had loving parents and all that but, when the war hit I was already eighteen of course. My sire went down in war. I made sure he was buried. My carrier, she uh..." Bumblebee spoke up, "we aren't forcing you." Cliff nodded, Tailgate patted his back. "My carrier was a nurse in the orphanage. But, you all heard it was...destroyed. She went offline there. I kept going in war though, then, I met Tailgate whilst in the middle of a war zone." Cliffjumper took a moment to laugh at how they met. Tailgate shook his helm with a smile.

"Hey, yer the one that collapsed." Tailgate snorted, "Cliffjumper was running around with an injured arm. Took a hit from a bot with the designation of Skyquake. I was getting shot at when I noticed him stumbling over...forms of other bots. I took one good shot and the bot shooting at me went down. I ran to the big goof and...he collapsed into my arms. At first, I thought he was gone. I thought a bot just went offline in meh fragging arms. Wrong, he was talking about getting to RedAlert. I was...surprised, he was leaking so much energon. I thought he was gone. I'm happy he's not." Tailgate looked to Cliff who had a smile planted on my face.

"I still owe ya one."

"Shut up."

Everyone laughed. "What about you Tailgate?" Bulkhead Asked. Tailgate rubbed the back of his neck cables, "I don't know, it's not that interesting." Optimus smiled, "everyone's story is interesting my friend." Tailgate smiled, "well, if you insist." The bots settled down for another story.

"Well, as Cliff's, my parents were also loving. They lived together, happily. The only problem was when my Sire turned out to be a con. My carrier didn't like the idea but, she joined the cons. She was killed alongside him. No one let me bury them. I know they chose wrong, I didn't change fate though. I chose Autobot, best decision I've ever made." Everyone was sad looking.

"I'm so sorry," Arcee mumbled. Tailgate shrugged, "happens to the best of us." Ratchet looked at Bumblebee, "no kiddin'." Bulk yawned, "What time is it?" Tailgate shot up, "7:30!" Ratchet rolled his optics, "It's 10:30!" Cliff laughed, "Tailgate has never been good with time, nor timing."

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