The Medic

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Ratchet rubbed his optics for what felt like the millionth time. He couldn't sleep now. He had so much more to get done. He'd sleep later. Wait, what time was it? Ratchet picked up his datapad, the blue prints that he had made was only halfway done. The medic then heard a loud yawn.

"Mornin'," Hound smirked. He lit his new cigar. "Did you wake up early?" Ratchet rolled his optics. "You didn't sleep at all? Ratchet, Optimus is gonna be mad." Ratchet covered his faceplates with his servo and let it slide down his face.

"Hound, I promise to sleep. I'm just too far to not finish my blue prints now." Hound sighed, "don't say I didn't tell ya old bot." Ratchet made a shooing motion with his servo, "yep yep."

The white and reddish orange medic decided that he better finish the blue prints before the Prime awoke. The medic knew good and well that it wasn't going to happen though. Optimus has always been an early riser. Ratchet knew the Prime meant well but, the medic loved tinkering with things; it kept his minds off...other things.

"Ratchet," there was that voice. "Morning, Optimus." The Prime let out a sigh, "why do you keep yourself awake through the night?" Ratchet stood above his work station. "It's peaceful, it helps me get my work done." Optimus smiled, "then I guess Crosshairs did good at keep quiet as he surveyed the ship throughout the night." Ratchet furrowed his brow before he turned to see Crosshairs with a sly smirk looking to the medic.

"Where are we headed Crosshairs?" The trench coated bot cleared his vocal cords, "there's this planet. It's called Earth." Optimus nodded with a grim face, "any civilization?" Crosshairs sighed, "yes. But, they aren't tall. They are like up to my ankle." Optimus nodded, "I am sure they will see us as a threat. We will need to be disguised." Crosshairs smirked once more, "that won't be ah problem."

The datapad That Crosshairs has given Optimus contained an image of some sort of machine on wheels. "They call it ah car."

"What's it do?" Bumblebee Asked. Crosshairs crosses his arms, "well, it transports Earths creatures from place to place." Arcee made a 'hmph' sound as she to crossed her arms. "They come in many different shapes and sizes."

" will make a good disguise?" Optimus asked. Crosshairs nodded, "they are everywhere." The Prime nodded, "thank you Crosshairs. We appreciate the help." Crosshairs nodded back.

"Imma hit da sack."

"Ratchet, you need recharge also." The medic grumbled, "I will not rest Optimus. I have much to get done." The Prime knew them what he had to do, "Ratchet, I order you to recharge!" The Prime didn't want to have to raise his voice but, it had to be done. He needed to rest. They had to be prepared for when they reached Earth.

"Optimus, this stuff is the only thing that's keeping my mind away from this war. I'm too scared to face reality. I'll recharge but, I won't be happy about it." With that said, the medic left to his quarters.

"What did Ratchet loose Optimus?" Arcee Asked. Cliffjumper looked to the Prime also, "He lost his sparkmate, didn't he?" The Prime let out a sigh.

"Indeed he did." Bulkhead looked to the ground in sympathy, "the doc didn't rest unless she told him to, huh?" Optimus smiled a bit, "indeed." The Prime walked away. He didn't want to tell a story that was not his own.

"I knew her." All optics went to Hound. Hound also had a smile lace his lip plates, "her name was Lee. I won't tell you the story though. If Ratchet wants to share then he can share." Silence settles between all of them.

"Well, Imma go and slather myself in oil." Bumblebee buzzed in dismay. Hound chuckled, "Sorry kid." Hound went into the back room.

"Lee went down in the orphanage." Everyone's helms snapped to the medic that entered the room once more. "She cared for the abandoned." Arcee's expression changed to concern, "Ratchet, you don't have to-." "I do. It's better to say now rather than get all mushy another time." Arcee hesitantly nodded.

"She knew the attack was happening. She went back in anyway to save more children. She never came back out. I decided to enter the war myself after that. I trained to be the medic I am today. I just wish there hadn't been a cost." Cliffjumper nodded.

"Go get some rest Ratchet. We thank your sparkmate for the service and job she did." Arcee said. Ratchet sighed, "fine. Don't expect me to be soft either. I still have my wrench." Everyone put their servos up in surrender.

The medic stood and started to walk away when a yellow bot also stood up.


"Yes, Bumblebee?"

"What did you going into the war cost you?"

"Everything." The medic started to walk away once more.

"Do you regret it?"


"If you could, would you never have went into war?"

"No. I would miss the chance to meet all of you." Ratchet walked away. He had said enough.


I'm sorry for the slow updates and the shorter chapters. I've been busy and just want a break to read other fanfics. But, I really need to finish this and I'm super sorry if this seems rushed. I hope you all understand and even though this book isn't doing so hot I still really love it. Thank you all for the reads and support!

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