We Get You

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     The newest recruit stepped forward from the shadows that had consumed his identity. Ratchet couldn't help but grumble out some words, "I can't believe this. In a galaxy with many other bots, we get you." The bot couldn't help but chuckle, "ah lassie, I thought I woulda' made ya happy seein' me round here."

"Ah man, have I missed you," Bulkhead smiled. The unknown bot to two smirked, "You are also a sight for sore optics." The bot then looked to the two he didn't know, "what's yer designations?"

Tailgate spoke up first, "Tailgate." The white bot stepped forward and shook the mechs servo. "I'm Crosshairs," Tailgate couldn't help but smirk at the bot.

"What 'bout you?" Crosshairs was looking at the yellow scout. The younger mech held out his servo, "Bumblebee." The bright green mech chuckled and slapped his servo into Bumblebees. "Nice ta meet ya, little bugger." The gruff mech shook the servo and let go.

"So, welcome to this planet." Ratchet raises and optic ridge, "what is 'this' planet?" The bright green wrecker took out the metal denta pick from his mouth. "Not sure, figured you could tell meh." Ratchet growls at the wrecker, "why couldn't it have been any other bot?" Crosshairs grinned, "I'm jus' special."

All the bots on the ship went out the back of the hangar. When the back opened, there wasn't much to see. Arcee stepped out first. Sand was met with her ped. She enjoyed the feeling, "it's so soft." She put both peds into it, "What is this place?" She didn't need to turn to Ratchet to ask him.

"Mars," was the response. She left the ship completely and took a look around. She noticed another giant ship. "That yours?" Crosshairs nodded to confirm.

"Sure is. I think it's yer way to wherever also" Crosshairs stepped completely off the ship without any acknowledgement of the sand. "Also, I might wanna warn ya, this planet has some pretty bad dust storms."

"Thank you," Optimus spoke up. The denta pick mech smiled, "no prob Prime." They all couldn't help but take a moment to look at the scene before them. No one stares long, it could be bad for them. Memories of war could flash through their minds, it never made their mood the best.

"Do you live in that ship alone?" It was Cliffjumper. The mech couldn't stand to stare any longer. Maybe it was war or just the fact he was practically filled to his horns with energy.

Crosshairs turned around with a sly smile, "course not. Come on, got someone you would wanna meet. His chassis isn't lookin' the best. He's in some pain, that's why I came in alone. Just wanted to make sure that you weren't no cons." Bulkhead looked at the mech sadly.

The bots stood outside the side door of the ship and looked at the bright green mech. The mech opened the door with the recognition of his servo. The door opened with a 'whoosh'. Once the bots stepped inside a voice sounded.

"They're AutoBots?" Crosshairs nodded. "Not just any AutoBots. Optimus Prime." Optimus stepped forward. The bot smiled in the shadows.

"It's Hound." The well known wrecking bot came forward and smiled. Ratchet sighed, "it's gonna be a long aft day."

"Nice to see ya too." Bulkhead chuckled at his fellow wrecker. Hound smiled but winced and clamped a servo over his chassis.

"What happened?" Asked Ratchet, medic mode kicking in. Hound had to lean back in his seat. "Preadacon," Crosshairs blurted out. Hound looked at Crosshairs sadly.

"What happened," Cliff asked. Crosshairs took notice to the ground for once. "We lost someone whilst out there." Bumblebee whirred sadly, his optics spinning slowly in sympathy. Crosshairs shook his helm, "its alright kid." Crosshairs smirked a bit.

"Alright, I'm getting you fixed up." Ratchet murmured. He didn't what to get his optics all soiled.

The oldest of all the bots began to help the biggest wrecker. "Hey, Watch where you are using that thing Doc!" Hound growled. The medic hissed at the mech, "would you rather bleed until you offline?" The medic pretended to act all perky but went default and kept working on the mech.

"Well, I saw that yer ship was absolutely destroyed. Would ya wanna maybe stay with us? We plan on takin' off tomorra." Optimus nodded at the brightest green mech, "We would all be grateful if you would take us along on your journey." The wrecker smiled.

"Awesome! It's only 5:32!" Arcee shook her helm at the mech that couldn't tell time to save his spark. "It's 7:46 you dimwit," scoffed Ratchet. Tailgate looked down sadly. "You'll get it next time little buddy," cheered Bulkhead.

"Do you have any other berthrooms?" Cliffjumper crosses his arms. Crosshairs snorted, "follow meh." Arcee followed close behind, She was absolutely ready to get some shut eye.

"Hey, heard about these bots called Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, and Blades. They made it ta space. Although, signal was lost after time. Last time I talked ta em was when Heatwave had been telling us about what the three of them do. It was pretty interesting ta be honest." Crosshairs and his stories were very interesting to a scout and a prime.

"Anywho, here ya are. Ain't gonna have ya play no musical chairs now are we?" Crosshairs with a smirk spread across his faceplates.

"Nope," Arcee muttered and walked to a door and went straight into the berthroom. Crosshairs shrugged, "alrighty then. I'll make sure Doc in there makes it ta bed also." Optimus smiled, "we appreciate all you have done for us Crosshairs." The Wrecker grinned, "my pleasure." He walked off with a metal denta pick in between his denta.

The AutoBots looked around a bit before all entering their own rooms. They were going to have some nice long offlining time. They all just hoped there really is another place to call home before they bring justice to their world. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

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