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"So, what is your best scar," Cliffjumper Asked as he smirked at the big green wrecker. "I'm glad you asked," the only wrecker on the ship stood up and showed the smaller red mech his back. There was a long scar next to his tire that you couldn't see with a glance. "How in Primus' name did you get that battle scar?" Bulkhead smiled triumphantly, "I saved my old pal Seaspray from Screamer. That flying moron." Cliffjumper couldn't help but laugh at that.

Arcee walked into the energon storing room. When she entered she couldn't help but raise and optic ridge at the two mechs that were laughing their afts off on a bunch of storing deposits.

"What exactly are you two bucket heads doing?" The two grown mechs snapped out of their laughing gas states to look at the blue and pink femme. "N-nothing," the horned mech bursted out. The slick femme rolled her optics and grabbed a cube of energon. "What ya takin' that for?" The femme turned to face the red mech, "little yellow. He can't keep his energon down. If he can't...we're going to have an issue because we can't keep using energon." Bulkhead looked to the ground as if the answer was written on it, "I feel bad." Arcee sighed, "me too, Bulk. Me too."

The femme walked out to let the two mechs get back to their war on battle scars. Suddenly a loud bang made Bulkhead scream like a human female. "That didn't sound friendly," the red bot was looking up, waiting for another sound to prove there really was something going on. Then, he got his proof.

A giant bot, with what seemed to be long locks of metal hair. Four different ways for his mouth to open. Dark red optics. Claw like digits. Peds that looked like the dinosaur known as the T-Rex. Tall, muscly mech.

"Berserker," the two mechs gasped in unison. The giant Decepticon smiled, creepily. The two AutoBots then drew their weapons. The Con growled at their movements. Berserker slobbered, "I can't wait to tear all of you, limb from limb." The two AutoBots' went optics wide, "RUN!" Cliffjumper took off to the long hallway. His new big army green friend following close behind.

"DECEPTICON!" Bulkhead shouted as the two made it two the main room, the Con running on all fours right behind them. Optimus ran at the tall mech and lunged onto him. The prime shouted a battle cry before smashing his fist into the Decepticons optic. Ratchet drew his swords. Bumblebee took out his blasters and took a few good shots as he circled the animal like Decepticon. Arcee ran up on it like the Prime and dug her arm blades into its back struts. The con roared in pain.

"You energon wasted AutoBots!" He stood on two peds and kicked Tailgate into a wall. The white mech grunted and didn't get up. "Tailgate," Cliffjumper was optics wide at his fallen comrade. Anger took over the already red AutoBot. The bot shot at the con showing no mercy.

"Watch out," Bulkhead hadn't ducked in time, he flew into the control area and smashed a couple buttons. One of which, made the ship turn upside down. Everyone scurried to get up off the ground before the Con could. The beast like Decepticon slobbered himself in laughter. He grabbed Ratchet by his servo and lifted him up. The giant Decepticon lifted the medic above his mouth. Optimus was taken over in rage, "Ratchet!" The medic was struggling against the Cons grip. Arcee was cutting into the Cons legs with no progress.

"Hey Decepticreep!" The Decepticon glared as a deep growl erupted from his throat. The animal like con turned to see a young yellow scout with a giant rocket launcher, "chew on this instead!" The scout fired it and it set him back onto his aft. All he heard was a deep cry of pain from a bot. It sounded like when he had screamed out when his voice box was being ripped out of his neck cables by force.

The bot sat up, slowly. He saw Ratchet with a wrench in hand, "stay down!" The medic smashed the wrench into the Cons head for the final kill. The scout winced and looked away.

"Tailgate," Cliff breathed. He dropped to his knees by his friend. "Hey, focus on me you big lug!" The white bot smiled a bit at the red bot in front of him, "you moron. M'fine if you'd get off my mid section." The red bot gasped as he removed his knee cap, "sorry, pal." The White bot shook his helm as the horned mech helped him stand.

"Bulkhead," Arcee crouched down to the wreckers position on the cold metal floor. The big green lug didn't acknowledge the fact the femme was in front of him. "Ratchet, I need medical assistance." Bumblebee and Optimus came over to help bring him to the med bay.

"I won't be doing anything until this ship is turned right side up!" Arcee rolled her optics at the grumpy medic and pressed the right button. The ship slowly but surely turned right side up. Everyone groaned but, stood.

"Tailgate, you will also be getting a checkup. Don't even start whining either, it's a checkup or a wrench. Choose you're poison," Ratchet warned from the med bay. Cliff gave Tailgate a knowing look, "fine." The red bot took the white bot into the med bay where the medic and wrecker were.

The three bots were having small talk in the med bay as the rest took care of Berserkers form. "Wow, Berserker actually went Berserk," Cliff joked as they all dragged the Decepticons from to the ships hanger. "Very funny," Arcee muttered.

The red mech smirked at the femmes reaction. He loved to annoy her, especially when she threatened him. He could definitely get used to it.

"Bumblebee, would you mind opening the hangers door?" The yellow bot nodded to the tall blue and red one. Bumblebee opened the door as asked, he returned to his spot by Berserker to get rid of his form. They threw him off the ship and into space where he could never cause anymore harm to anybot.

Without being asked, the scout closed the door. They all stood there and watched the doors close. When it did, they all stayed. They thought about the days events. Everyday was something new. Today, they learned that even thought they were indeed outnumbered by strength that they could pull through. Optimus Prime was right, they all had strong spirits.

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