Planet Unknown

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     "Prepare for impact," roared Optimus.

The ship hit a planet, the metal screeching through the area. Clouds of dust covered the ship. It all settled. The area was untouched, or so the bots would have thought.

A groan echoed through the inside of the ship. Bulkhead rubbed his helm as he looked around. The army green bot tried to stand but a hiss of pain made him drop back down to one knee cap. He looked down and noticed a short deep cut across his gut.

The wrecker clamped a servo over it. Bulkhead grunted as he took the first step. He then heard movement; he snapped his helm in the direction of the noise and saw it was Tailgate. The white fella dusted himself off, "T-tailgate." Tailgate looked to Bulkhead; his optics traveled to the wreckers midsection.

Tailgate ran at the wrecker, jumping over giant pieces of metal. The bot was littered with dirt and scrapes. Once the white mech made it to the army green bot the smaller bot helped the bigger one.

"Here ya go big guy," Tailgate shimmered the bigger bot down onto a crate and had him lie back to the wall. "I'm going to get the others found and functional," The wrecker nodded at the idea.

Tailgate started searching all the large pieces of metal and rubble. He spotted something blue, "Cee!" He dug faster whilst shoving rubble out of the way. When he reached her, he noticed it wasn't just her. Cliffjumper had wrapped himself around her form. Not a scratch lay on her. The impact must have knocked them both unconscious. Cliff had minor scrapes. The white bot shook the red bot.

"Back off," the red horned bot growled as a gun was shoved in his buddies faceplates. The red horned bot then noticed it was no threat and retreated his weapon. "Sorry I-." "It's okay."

Tailgate helped Cliff up; Cliff grabbed Arcee bridal style and took her to a broken berth in the middle of the room. "Where are the others," Tailgate shrugged. Cliffjumper then noticed Bulkhead, "big man, you alright?" Bulk waved him off. The red mech nodded.

"We need to find Ratchet," Tailgate reasoned. Cliffjumper nodded and got to work. They searched for what seemed to be about five minutes before a servo popped out of the rubble. The servo tried to remove rubble. It was Ratchets.

"We're coming Ratch," both Tailgate and Cliffjumper had to pull up a giant piece of metal to reach the medic. Once all heavier pieces was removed the medic was free.

"I don't need your help," The medic grumbled as he batted the servos away. The two younger bots smiled at the grumpy mech. Ratchet stood and dusted rubble dust off of him. He had one scrape that stood out a little bit but it wasn't leaking energon. "Bulkhead," never had the two newbies seen the medic a bit worried about somebot.

"He's leaking energon from a mid section gash. Not too deep. Just need to be patched up due to leakage." Ratchet looked at Tailgate, "Thanks." The medic went to the wrecker and started working on him.

"Optimus and Bumblebee," Cliffjumper reminded both himself and Tailgate. The red horned mech took off in an opposite direction. He had seen Optimus by the controls last. So, he started digging there.

Tailgate remembered the yellow scout holding onto the corridors frame. Tailgate started searching at the corridors frame then near it. After twenty minutes of searching there was no sign of him.

"I found Bumblebee!" Tailgate snapped his helm to Cliffjumper. The impact must have thrown the scout to the front. The bad time telling bot made his way to his life long buddy. "He's also unconscious. As far as I can tell, he only has minor scrapes."

"Optimus," a rasp made the two bots turn toward Arcee's spot on a broken berth. Cliffjumper made his way to her whilst Tailgate removed more rubble from Bumblebees form.

Once Cliffjumper made it to Arcee he had realized that Optimus was removing rubble off himself. The Prime was just fine and made his own way out. "Is everyone alright?"

"Bulkhead is the only one loosing energon. Ratchet and I are the only ones with any scratches that need some repairing. Bumblebee is unconscious. I do not know the injuries, sir." Optimus nodded.

"I need some help removing him," Tailgate called out. Optimus made a path towards the youngest. The prime reached down and picked up the scout and held him bridal style.

Arcee moves off the berth so Bumblebee could come back online. The Prime lies the younger bot down then stands to his full height. "Ratchet, how is Bulkhead?" The medic turned to look at the Prime.

"Well, from what I could manage to pull out of this piece of scrap," the medic motioned towards the med bay that was half destroyed. "He should be alright. A little sore but, alright." Ratchet then looked to Bumblebee, "I need to check on Bumblebee. Make sure Bulkhead doesn't strain himself." The Prime nodded and let the medic make his way to the scout.

"Well, I know you can't stay out of trouble. I will just have to keep an optic on you, youngling." The medic smiled a tad bit at the thought.

As Ratchet checked over Bumblebee, he came to the conclusion there was only a small leaking cut on Bees servo. "I'll patch this up," Ratchet muttered and got to work before the mech woke up.

"Ratch," The said bot looked to the yellow scout. "I patched up your servo. You will be just fine." The bot nodded, "Bulk?" The medic turned his attention to what the bot also had his focus on. "He's alright. He's just sore," Ratchet reassured the youngest. Bumblebee nodded in understanding.

"We need to find out where we are," Arcee spoke up. Optimus nodded in agreement, "there is no way to tell from the head of the ship. We must make our way out through the back in the hangar. Ratchet, would you mind to stay here with Bulkhead?" The Prime turned toward the medic, "of course. I'm not the one that's going to get eaten alive." Cliffjumper smirked. Bumblebee shuddered. Tailgate squeaked and grabbed Cliffs arm.

"Relax. The doc is just jokin'," everyone aimed their weapons and the back entrance. There that one mech was. The smirk on his face. "Comon' ya wouldn't aim that thing at yer motha' would ya?" Bulkhead smiled, "you made it out of that war?" The mech smiled, "course I did. I see the hatchet has." Ratchet growled, "sadly you did." The unknown mech smiled, "ah come on, I know ya don' mean dat. Besides, looks like I have some people to meet." The mech stepped out of the shadows that covered his identity. Cliffjumper smiled. Arcee had the brightest smile on her faceplates. Bumblebee and Tailgate just stared at the bot.

"Let's git dis party started."

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