Number One

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     "I can't believe you!"

"I thought you were my brotha'!"

"It doesn't matter if you are #1 if there are no other numbers!"

"Crosshairs, why did you go to the AutoBots?"


The said bot jumped up and found that another bot was in there with him. He looked to see it was, "Tailer?" The white bot couldn't help chuckle a bit at the nickname.

"Heyya Hairs. What were you dreaming about?" The worst time teller wished he hadn't had asked as the accented bot looked down. "You wanna talk about it? I know you act like your tough but you can't fool any of us Crosshairs." The green bot looked at the white one, "you've only jus' met meh."

Tailgate sat on the berth with the green mech, "welp, too bad we are family now. Tell me everything." Crosshairs scoffs in a funny manner, "you want meh ta tell ya about my past?" The white bot smirks, "well, I know what your dream was about now."

The wrecker shook his helm, "I already hate this." He sighed as he sat criss cross and was situated. "Alright, here goes nothin'." Crosshairs looks to Tailgate. "The War was jus' startin so I decided to go see my best buddy. He and I were having one last hang out before the war was goin' ta start. When we got ta our conversation on the two sides, it had gone down hill. He insisted I tell him which team I was gonna be on. I told him, AutoBot. He threw a punch at me, knocked me down. I spit blood and stood back up. At that moment, I realized, he was a Decepticon."

Crosshairs looked to the bot who had wanted so badly to listen to him. Tailgate was feeling sympathy for his green wrecker friend. The green mech had lost the best buddy of his life due to this war.

"I'm actually happy the war started now." Tailgate looked up in shock at the green mech. "I know what kind of bot my buddy was. I considered him my brother; I'm glad I don't now. If he'd rather kill all innocents rather than save them, I don't wanna be his buddy. Nor his brotha'."

"I see you and Cliff are close though." Tailgate looked to the green mech curiously. "Eh, Yeah, we are." Crosshairs wanted so badly to change the attention towards Tailgate. "Were you two friends before the war?" Tailgate shook his helm, "met each other during war. It was way before Tyger Pax." Crosshairs nodded. "I'm gonna check on Hound. Take it easy Hairs."

Crosshairs was now alone. He sat there, it was time to start his day. He smiled to himself, he had new friends to make. He had just made one.

"DECEPTICON INCOMING!" The ship shook a bit. Drilling noises surround the ship. The bright green mech growled lowly and went into war mode. It was a Decepticon he met on this planet. He hoped he didn't have to see this bot ever again.

He swung his door open and left it open. Crosshairs rounded the corner to see the ships door opening. The team was there and ready for battle. Crosshairs smirked. There was no way this bot was getting away now.

"I'll stay here and monitor your positions. Hound is staying." Ratchets voice was in a monotone. "Don't ya worry, we'll be back." I slipped my goggles on. "Here comes the dust storm and some kickin' aft!" He noticed Tailgate smiling at him. The mech didn't know it'd be the last smile he got from him.

"Let's roll out." Optimus ordered. Everyone followed in pursuit. The sand hitting like a bucket of bolts being dumped on you.

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