Gold and Brass

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Above, Meghan Fox as Eerika.


I sit and look at the girls. They look contented doing whatever they are doing.
Solvi is beating some huge guys at throwing darts. If they knew she could curve out their eyes with the same darts, they'd run away screaming. They all bet she'd lose. What's wrong with men always thinking they can win against a woman simply because she is a woman. Woman are quite capable, thank you very much. And by the looks of things, Solvi is going to walk away with their money for sure.

Hertha is on the dance floor grinding against some tall, blonde, muscled guy. I see his hands roaming her body. Am not worried. This is typical Hertha behaviour. But when his hands stray closer to her butt, I tense. Hertha hates having her ass groped. I relax when he pulls his hands back. I sip on my drink. Nothing alcoholic for this royal.

Am a total lightweight. Despite being over two hundred years old, I can't hold my liquor. I do a lot of stupid things when am drunk. I know what you're thinking... so does everyone. But everyone doesn't almost reveal her wings to a whole club of humans. Let's just say, it was agreed I shall quit drinking. I don't really mind. I like always having my head in the game. I lounge in the couch watching the others when a guy approaches me. Here we go again I think to myself. I wonder what cheesy line this one is going to try. If he mentions the stars in my eyes, I swear to God am going to break his nose.

"Hey beautiful" he says and it's like instantly turning the light switch off or a bucket of ice cold water. I sigh. Am royalty for crying out loud. Of course he doesn't know this but come on he could try. What happened to intuition. I just stare at him opting to say nothing. At the corner of my eye, I can see Solvi evaluating if he's a threat. I don't have to see Hertha to know she is doing the same thing. Solvi turns back to her game when she deems him no threat. I roll my eyes. You would think am a helpless child not a deadly warrior.

"Want to have the honour of having sex with me" he says pushing his hair out of his cocky face. I was so shocked my mouth was hanging open. I could hear Solvi laughing at me. Damn supernatural hearing.

"Why the fuck would I want that?" I ask afronted. He has the audacity to look confused like he couldn't understand why I would say no to him. He wasn't even that hot. Why is it that funny looking guys are the ones with the biggest balls?

"Do you know who I am?" He asks as if that's supposed to change my mind. Probably a rich kid or local celebrity. Rich kids think they can buy the world and celebrities think they own the world.

"Not really." I reply unfazed. I don't even bother asking who he is. Am pretty sure he is going to inform me whether I want to know or not.

"Am Scott Taajir." He says as if my brain is supposed to automatically click at the sound. When he notices the lack of recognition, he adds "the owners of Taajir Hotels?"
See, a rich kid. I knew it.

"So? What does that have to do with your dick?" I ask and his face contorts into a mask of fury. Someone should tell him he doesn't look pretty like that. Will probably calm his hormones. Am still looking at the hulk in front of me, without any of the good qualities that is, when I hear the sound of skin roughly connect with skin. I turn around to see the guy who was dancing with Hertha sprawled on the dance floor. Dammit I missed it.

"Your loss" Scott says indignantly.

"Keep telling yourself that." I retort and he shoots a glare at me as he walks away.

Hertha comes back an sits down next to me grabbing her vodka and downing it before signaling for another.

"No way. You cheated." We hear coming from huge guy that was earlier playing darts with Solvi. If he's not careful, he's going to walk away with his face caved in and unrecognizable. No Valkyrie likes to be called a cheater... especially Solvi.

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