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I wanted to apologize to all my readers for taking waaay too long to update.
My phone was dead n It took me 4 months to save up enuf n get t fixed🤦
Hopefully I can update more often now....
Thanks for reading n commenting😗


I quickly snatch my hand back from Luca' s body.

"You can keep petting. I don't really mind" he says, a grin on his face. I roll my eyes and walk away.

What was meant to be a relaxing night out just went to hell and suddenly am more stressed right now than before I went out. But in a tug of war between elf and hound... elf was the lesser of two evils. Still, someone had to train Luca for what was to come. But with the recent developments, it couldn't be me.

There was only one person who was capable of such a thing. I get my phone and make the call. Am assured that she'll be here by morning.

I need to get out of here, I can't be in this house with him right now. I walk out and Solvi follows me. She starts to say something but the look on my face discourages her. Am not in the mood to hold a conversation with anyone. Am so pissed. What kind of sick joke makes a Valkyrie a dog's mate.

"Leave me." I tell Solvi. I need to be alone.

"But..." she says but doesn't get to finish it when I turn to look at her.

"It wasn't a request." I say in a voice I haven't had to use on any Valkyrie before.

She looks taken aback and a little shaken but am too angry to care. I turn around to resume my exit but despite her earlier reaction, she follows me. I walk a few paces before I stop. In one single move, fast as lighting I turn, grab her by her throat and pin her to the wall with so much force the wall cracks. In that moment, I let her see the violence am working so hard to suppress.

"The last time I checked, I was queen. When I say I want to be alone, I mean it. Are we clear?" I say chillingly.

"Not safe." She chokes out.

"Am perfectly capable of taking care of myself." I say tightening my hold as I got angrier. What does she think I am... A superficial Barbie that can't take care of herself?

"Iss not what I think." She chokes. I look at her puzzled. Did she read my mind. But she can't. Did I say it loud? "You're too important" she adds.

"Do you really think that you can protect me from something I can't kill myself?" I hiss.

"Try..." she tries to say.

"Shut up, Solvi! Just stop... she's killing you." Someone says behind us. I turn around and see the others all standing there. Adamaris has tears running down her face. The others look pale and terrified. Adamaris falls to her knees with her head bowed.

"Please pardon her." She sobs. The others follow suit and kneel before me. They haven't really had to kneel before me since the day I was crownedor inn official functions. It just makes me sick.

I look at Solvi whose eyes are barely open, turning blue and barely breathing. I realise Adamaris is right. I am killing her. In that moment I am so disgusted with myself. Like a hand that has touched hot coal, I quickly pull my hand back and solvi crumples to the ground. I realise that I was the only thing holding her up.

I turn off my emotions not ready or willing to deal with them right now. I turn to walk away and my eyes land on Luca. Our eyes meet and I can see shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"Not so pretty now, am i?" I say to him
"Before you decide to fight me, know that I will not hesitate to kill you. The season is no place for you." I turned around and walked away.

The Valkyrie Queen Where stories live. Discover now