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What are you suggesting? I ask despite the fact that I properly understand what he is saying.

Am not suggesting anything... Am just telling you what he smells like Luca growls

But it can't be... the only way a hellhound wound smell like a valkyrie was if he was born that way. It's the only way to have angel blood running through your veins. Drinking it would turn it to something else and even then the result was temporary. That could only mean one thing, he is a hellhound-valkyrie offspring. But how is that possible? Hellhound are the valkyrie's natural enemy. The valkyrie were created simply to hunt and eliminate hellhounds. His existence means that a valkyrie broke their path and lied to their Queen.

I am prevented from further thinking on the subject when a hellhound from the bushes lunges for me and before I can go in for the kill, Luca pounces on its back and I hear a crunch that I assume is its spinal cord cracking beneath Luca's sharp canines. Luca moves, putting himself in front of me.

What do u think you're doing? I guess

Protecting my mate. Stay behind me he replies.

You're either delusional or fucking out of your mind  I reply totally pissed off.

That's alright, whatever floats your boat He replies nonchalantly

I push out my hand and summon the flaming sword. It appears in my hand its flames blinding  and scorching anything close by except me. I hear a hellhound whimper close by and I turn to see that some of its fur has been singed. With one swing I cleave off its head watching it roll towards the ocean.

"Well Fuck me sideways if it isn't the Queen." Layl says through his red jaws and I am amazed that he can talk so perfectly as a hound. "I never dreamt I could be so blessed. The good Lord must be smiling at me today" He adds sickeningly his jaws expanding as if in a horrid jawbearing smile.

"Feel free to come close for an up close and personal view." I reply "then we'll find out who is truly blessed this day." I add

He changes back to his human form utterly naked and smiles what would be a sinful smile if I was sadistic in that way.

"Oh come now, if we do that now, what are we going to do the next time we meet?" He says arrogantly

"Trust me, there won't be a next time" I say

"Have a little faith, little valkyrie. We still have time, you and I. If a fight is what you wish, am sure there's enough bodies here to keep you entertained. Am rather content watching you in that sexy getup with that sword. Am getting harder by the moment. I swear if you let out your wings, I'll come." He adds unashamedly grabbing and stroking his hard dick. Luca leaps towards Layl but he is body slammed by a brown hound before he can reach his target. That seems to snap me back into this time and place and the fight at hand and I waste no time swinging my sword at any jackals and hounds within striking distance. The hounds soon realise am lethal and in a bid to avoid me, attack Luca instead. The jackals aren't quite as smart and just keep coming.

I turn to check on Luca and find him surrounded but as he fights and kills, I realise he is holding his own and doesn't need my help. I cleave through another jackal turning to where I last saw Layl. He stands in the same spot, somehow clothed, watching me. He smiles before he turns and starts to walk casually away from the fight. I can't let him walk away from this alive so I start making a path towards him. Sinking my sword into anything in the way. I am so single minded in this task that I don't see the hound stalking me until I feel it's claws sinking into the flesh on my back. I swallow a shriek at the searing pain turning my attention to the hound. I swing my sword in my hand warming my wrist before gripping it in both hands and slashing upwards from right to left in a diagonal slash but the hound expertly evades. It pounces aiming for my neck but I roll under it, the action increasing the burn of my wounds. The hound grabs my right leg its claws digging into my flesh. The pain is excruciating but I turn, sword in hand and swing it into its face sinking the blade in its left eye burying it  to the hilt. The hound howls in pain but dies swiftly, the hot flames of the sword burning through flesh and matter. I turn and see that most of the hounds and jackals are dead and those that are not have fled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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