Unexpected Alliances

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Thanks for reading guys... comments would be appreciated.


It's been two weeks since we came to Miami. It's been two weeks since we faught the Jackals. It's been two weeks since I found my mate. It's been only two fucking weeks and am losing my goddamned mind!

I feel like a toddler who found the best candy right in front of his face yet cannot eat it. A man dying of thirst who has found a pond with sweet water but can only gaze at it. It does not help one bit that that night I found my mate, I smelled of 'cheap perfume and sex'. Her words not mine. I could have died when she said that. Whenever I pictured meeting my mate for the first time, it was not while I smelled of sex with another. I didn't even have the guts to call myself her mate.

What is disturbing though is that the mate bond did not seem to affect her at all. To be exact, it was as if she felt nothing. What the fuck was up with that? I thought this mate stuff was a two way thing.

I haven't seen her since that night. They agreed to see us soon and they left to get one of their friends treated for an injury she got that night. We haven't seen them since. I don't even know her name dammit. Why the fuck didn't I ask for her name?

The beaches in Miami are said to be some of the best in the world but I can't seem to focus on them at all. My mind keeps wandering to a grey eyed vixen. Her scent haunts me every waking second. Warm vanilla and raspberries and something else I couldn't quite place. I could almost taste it on my tongue. She was not a wolf but she wasn't human either.

"For a man on the run, you're awfully relaxed." A sultry voice I'd been replaying in my head for two weeks said.

I almost thought I'd imagined it until she stepped in front of me. Her black hair flying in the wind, her legs stretching for miles in a maroon backless one piece swim suit. Her body was toned, no fat anywhere except her ass. I could blissfully grab and squeeze it. She was staring at the water and I was itching to see her face. My mate. Mine.

"For a person on the run, I've learnt to take my pleasures where I get them. One never knows when they'll have to run again." I reply. You can't always live in fear. After the first couple of years, I learnt that the Jackals would find us whether I had fun or not or whether I worried myself sick. At which point I learnt to seize the moment. Be it the place or the women. Or in this case, the beach.

At my statement, she turns to look at me. "I guess you're right. But enjoy it while it lasts because tomorrow I want to know what you can and can't do in a fight. And what can be done to further your training."

At this, I laugh. What exactly does she think she could teach me?

"What?" She asks raising her eyebrow. She looks utterly serious.

"You're serious?" I ask in disbelief. This little slip if a girl thinks she could train me.

"Like fucking cancer." She replies. "The Valkyrie will not back a weak dog. True Alpha or not. Tomorrow at 6am sharp" She adds before turning on her heel and striding into the water.

I am so shocked by what she said am pretty sure my chin is touching the white sand. Did she just call me a dog? I mean... What the fuck! Am not a dog! That's insulting. She might be my mate but that doesn't give her the right to say what she damn well pleases.

By nightfall, I was way past shocked. I was seething. She didn't just call me a dog... She called me a weak dog. My mate thinks am weak. Suddenly, I couldn't wait for 6am.

I was awake by 4am the adrenaline not letting me sleep any more. I walk into the kitchen and down a glass of water before donning on my running gear. I run the entire stretch of the beach all around it for a couple of blocks. After five rounds, I call it quits and walk back to the house. The sun started rising a while back so it's pretty bright. I check my watch and it's ten to five. I decide on a quick dip in the shower to wash the sweat. My mate already smelt sex on me, no need to gross her out more.

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