Tell Me You Feel The Same Way (Yesung Fanfic) Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten~

We arrived at the movie theatre's entrance, and Kyuhyun led the way. It seemed like he knew this place by heart; I wonder who he went with.
"Hey, I'll go buy the tickets. Wait here," Yesung said, and started to walk until I stopped him from doing so.
"I'll come with you." I semi-ordered.
"Don't worry, I won't buy tickets to the old-men section where they keep the pornos- it's not like they have any good ones here anyways." Yesung snickered while I frowned and wrinkled my nose.
"I'm still coming!" I puffed my cheeks.
"Aish, you suck at aegyo," Kyuhyun criticized. I glared at him, and all he did was smirk.
"I actually found it convincing." Yesung said to break the tension.
"Psh, whatever. Now are you going to get the tickets or what?" Kyuhyun asked.
"Yes, duh." Yesung ran to the ticket booth knowing we won't make it in time for the movie unless he hurried. "WAIT THERE!" Yesung yelled. He was running and I can already see him struggling; he was trying to keep his mask on.
Did I not mention the two had to put on a mask to cover their mouth and wear extra layers? They looked like mass serial-killers or someone who just got out of the mental hospital.
I, on the other hand, wore normal clothes compared to the two of them. I wonder what people would think about a dainty girl like me hanging out with two guys two to three heads taller than me dressed like rapists.
While thinking to myself, I felt a jab on my cheek.
"AIYA!" I screeched. The pain lurked around my cheek, and it felt like it was gonna swell up any minute. Whoever done this did not do it very light, and I already know who...
Cho Kyuhyun.
"CHO KYUHYUN, I AM GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS WITH THE BELT I'M WEARING NOW!" I yelled at him as I chased him around the area in rage.
"Oo, kinky much?" He stuck his tongue out while running.
"Urg, you better stop right there or I'll-"
I suddenly tripped, and was about to land face flat on the floor until I felt hands around my waist.
"Be careful.." The voice whispered into my ear.
I turned to see who it was; it was
I don't know how the hell he got behind me so fast; a minute ago he was two metres away from me. This was slightly awkward though, because our noses touched and I can feel his breath on my face.
His arms were around my waist too.
I snapped out of my thoughts, and shoved him off, completely allowing myself to drop to the floor on my butt; and dayum, did that hurt.
"Ooooo, rejected!" I heard another voice say. It was Yesung, and he already came back with not only three tickets but one jumbo size popcorn, one fun size popcorn, one lover's drink, and one kid size slushie.
"You're doing this just to make me feel bad, aren't you," Kyuhyun glared.
"You betcha." Yesung winked, and we headed off to theatre 9.

I was jammed between Yesung and Kyuhyun; worst of all, I forgot that I had to sit in between them and insisted that I take the kid's snack and they share the larger ones instead.
I mean, it's funny they shared the lover's drink, but it was so hard to watch the movie with them passing the popcorn and drink to each other right in my view!
Kyuhyun and I ended up switching seats. Yesung could've switched with me, but he liked the screening from his side, so he made it an exception.
So yes, that meant Kyuhyun sat in between my boyfriend and I. He seemed pleased about it though; sooner or later I'm gonna have to smack that grin off his face, and I would've chosen 'sooner', but this movie is a hell of a good movie and I don't wanna miss any of it; well, this part anyways. They're gonna show screenings of FOOD!

"AHAHAHA, THE UMMA IN THAT MOVIE WAS SO FUNNY!" Kyuhyun laughed all the way to the car. Yesung laughed too, and they were talking to each other like they were best friends or something.
Even during the car ride, I felt like a total loner. What happened to the days where they would fight over little things? I mean, THEY JUST FOUGHT THIS MORNING, GODDAMIT.
"Mmrg..." I made some weird noises to catch their attention, but they didn't even glance at me.
Kyuhyun kept his eyes on the road while Yesung was talking about how the Umma always tripped and would get nosebleeds after that.
I stared out the window and then remembered that it's been so long since I called Minami, my best friend (and the daughter of Mami Noona).
I pulled out my phone, and started texting her.

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