Tell Me You Feel The Same Way (Yesung Fanfic) Chapter Five

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Since you already know the teams from the previous chapters, I don't wanna repeat it. Sorry, but Author-nim is LAZY AS FUCK. Excuse the language XD
Chapter Five~

"One, two, three, GO!" Leeteuk yelled. While all the other teams hid, Team 4 was counting.
The objective is that once all the members of a team are found, they lose. The first to lose has to owe the rest of the players a dinner. The second to lose has to massage the second place winners, while the first place winners gets to boss around the other members for a day. This takes place in SM Entertainment Building, any room, anywhere, as long as it's in the building. Make sense?

I ran with Henry while Yesung ran with Ryeowook, just so that it'll be harder for their group to find ours.
We ran down the stairs, and went to the 11th floor. F(X) lives there. We ran all the way to Amber's room, and Henry knocked on the door politely.
As soon as she opened the door, Henry started speed talking, making excuses as to why we need to stay in her room. She knew what this was all about, and she let us in, as long as we don't make a mess.
I hid in her walk-in closet under her accessory desk, and I covered myself with the fluffy beanbag chair. Henry hid in her bedroom, under her bed. Her bed was pretty tall, so he was able to sit cross-legged, and was covered by the bedsheets.

We are definitely and absolutely going to win for sure.


(Yesung POV)

"Ryeowook, hurry up! You are so slow!" I scolded while he was trailing behind me.
"I'm trying! It's just that I remember I have to wash all of those plates from the play room..."
Yes, each floor of SM Entertainment Building is practically like a mini house, kitchen and everything. Well, except for the lobby and penthouse.
I groaned, and felt like giving up until I remembered something.
The penthouse!
"Come on, let's go take the stairs!" I exclaimed.
"UGH, DO WE HAFTA'?" Wookie complained.
I shot him a glare, and he shut up.
"Good." I mumbled, and we ran "spy style".
Racing up the stairs, my feet started to hurt. We started at the 20th floor, the penthouse is at the 40th floor, but we're currently at the 32nd floor.
We were panting really hard.
"You know... Whew..... It would be..... Common sense..... To.... TAKE THE GODDAMN ELEVATOR, ooh boy....." Ryeowook yelled between breathes.
I shushed him, motioning that people could hear us. He was pissed, but he listened anyways.
"Are... You.... Stupid?! What... If.... Team 4..... Took the... Elevator?"
"Look at you..... Even... You're.... Breathless..... Let's just stop.... For now...." Ryeowook suggested.
I nodded in agreement, and we collapsed on the final step.
I put five fingers up, meaning only five minutes of rest.
I knew how the penthouse looked like, since I went up there twice a week or whenever I was stressed out.
There was basically a green house on the top, filled with exotic plants that we could hide behind, or maybe in the shed that held the tools. Sometimes I would be able go help the gardeners.

I wonder how Violet and Chubby Cheeks is doing... I thought.
If we win, then I choose to be in control of Kyuhyun, no doubt about it. If that bastard tests me and tries to steal Violet, his face is gonna get disorientated.
I was getting happier and happier, imagining about all the things I could do to that Cho-Kyuhyun. Kekeke....

We both finally reached the penthouse, and literally crawled to the greenhouse.
We snuck in, but Ryeowook just HAD to step on a stick from the mango tree, and it make a huge 'crack' noise. There was a gardener in there, and when she asked her why we were here, Ryeowook was the one who had to explain.
She chuckled, and said that we could stay as long as we don't eat our way through the fruits and vegetable sections.
We quietly walked around, and found that shed that I was talking about. We looked around first to see if anyone saw us, and we went in.
It was more cramped than I imagined. I mean, we we got in and hid, Ryeowook literally had to step on my shoulders, and I was sitting in a tight corner.
That guy owes me big time.

(Zhou Mi POV)

I looked around for the guys, and that one girl.
Now that I think about it, who she?
I swore I saw her before, but I just don't know where.
Whatever. She's probably dating one of the guys or something.
I went to F(X)'s floor, and knocked on Amber's door, since her door was the first one from the elevator.
She opened it, and the first thing she did was question me. "What the hell do you want, Mi Zhou?" She asked coldly.
I rolled my eyes, and corrected her. "It's Zhou Mi, not Mi Zhou. What are you, some kind of goldfish?"
She glared at me. "You don't even know what you're talking about."
To scare her, I pinned her to the wall, and grinned. I whispered, "You have the memory span of one, fish face."
She shoved me off while I was laughing. "I'm not joking, Zhou Mi-a, what did you come here for?"
"I.. Uh... Need to use the washroom. Yea."
She hesitated, but then let me in. "Fine, but if you snoop around, I am going to kill you."
"Feisty much?"

I knew her room was connected to the washroom by a door, 'cause my room format was just like hers.
Even though she locked it, I managed to pick the lock, and when the door opened, I smirked it success.
The door clicked, but she was too busy painting her nails to even notice.
"A-Amber?" I heard a squeak. Sounds so much like a girl's voice. Is it... SUNGMIN?!
"SHUT UP!" I heard another quietly yell.
The desk slightly moved, so I strolled over quietly with my long, sexy legs.
I lifted up the the beanie chair, and two gorgeous eyes peeked up on me. "I... Uh... Found you.." I said blushing.
"Oh..." She looked at me, and then stared at my legs. "Such long legs..." She whispered. I sense a bit of envy, and chuckled.
"Hey..." She squinted. "Do I know you?"
"I don't think you do, Miss,"
"Oh." She looked disappointed.
"And may I ask you what you are doing in SMTOWN? Are you some new recruit or what?"
She shook her head, and said "I'm Yesung's girlfriend."


The results were in.
First place: Team 3
Second place: Team 1
Third Place: Team 2
Fourth place: Team 4 (I blame stupid Kibum...)

After the party~

(Violet POV)

I can't believe we lost to Team 3! Kyuhyun decided to chose me to boss around (typical). Yesung heard, and now he gives Kyuhyun death glares whenever he had the chance.
"Karina, let's go back to the cafe, ok? I wanna visit Mami Noona." He smiled. I nodded, and we both headed to the lobby. Kyuhyun gave us a cold stare (for god knows what reason). I waved 'bye', and unexpectedly, he did too.
His expression seemed to brighten up a lot after that.
Just as we were about to leave, he jogged up to me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. While my face flushed, Yesung punched his arm. Kyuhyun cringed, but as he ran to the elevator, he yelled "WORTH IT!"

Yesung was driving me to visit the cafe in which I used to live in.
It was quiet the whole way, so I decided to talk first.
"Um... Yesung?"
"I... I think I remember you now." I said while biting my lip.
"Wait.... What did you just say, Violet?" He turned and stopped at a curb.
"I..... I know who you are to me........ Yesung."
He looked at me, and a suddenly hugged me, tight. I heard crying.
"I- I thought you were never going to remember me, Violet! I went through all these days thinking that you were gonna leave me to crumble, but I can't believe you remember me! If it was gonna take long, I thought I was going to give up. But because of you, Violet, I decided not to. Violet, you are a very important person to me. Now we can finally be like how it used to be..."
I hugged him back, and whispered "I'm sorry."
We hugged for what seemed like an hour, and he let go.
"Let's go meet your family." He said while smiling.
"What do you mean by 'family'? I just lived with them for a while!" I laughed.
"Trust me, they're exactly like your family."

Author's Notes:

I'm sorry, it's a short chapter! I am so stressed these days, I think I'm going nuts. Hey, I was thinking of collaborating my other fanfic with this fanfic for a few chapters :D
So Karina, a.k.a. Eunhyuk's girlfriend meets Violet!
But it might not work out, 'cause here SJ lives in SM Entertainment Building, while in the other fanfic they live in a house..... And in the other one Yesung likes Karina too.... But then he could forget about her and a few years later he meets Violet! BRILLIANT. THEN THEY MOVE TO SMTOWN, AND BA BAM!
Ehehe... So this fanfic would be like, 3 years later. .__.
So, you guys like the idea? I COMMAND ALL OF YOU READING THIS, COMMENT!
Ok, I'm not commanding or forcing you, that would be mean.
But I really need your opinion on this, guys.
I might not be able to write the next chapter without your opinion, so PLEASE comment!

Instagram: @mango_seed
(I promise the chapter that I was talking about would be super long!)

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