Tell Me You Feel The Same Way (Yesung Fanfic) Chapter Two

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Chapter Two~

(Violet POV)

I rushed out the hospital doors. I took in a deep breath of fresh air. It was a summer night, and the sun was starting to set. I could hear the crickets chirping, children patients laughing as they were playing with kites, and a violin. Wait..... A violin?
I looked around in all directions, and it was coming from..... Henry?!
He was there, beside Yesung, smiling and playing the violin. I teared up.
"Henry!" I shouted, and ran over to him. He was my best friend.
Yesung and Henry looked surprised as I ran closer to them.
They exchanged looks, and then Henry said, "How does she remember me... But not you? Wha???"
Yesung frowned, but then let out a sad smile. "The doctor said that at the moment of the accident, whatever she was thinking of the most would be forgotten, especially if it's something emotional. We had... An argument, about... Something." He said.
Henry started laughing, and he stuck his tongue out. "HAHAHA, SHE REMEMBERS ME, AND SHE FORGOT YOUUU" he said sing songly.
Yesung slapped him on the back of his head, and threatened to push him out of the car once we started driving. Henry shut up, and ran quickly to the back of the seat, so no one would be able to push him.
Now I have a decision to make... Should I sit at the front with Yesung, or at the back with Henry? I mean, I already feel bad for not remembering Yesung, but it would also be awkward to sit with him, and Henry is my best friend, plus he's easier to talk to, but I would feel bad for Yesung.
I decided to........

Sit with Yesung.
Henry looked sad, but he'll understand.
For the whole time, Henry was singing in the car, faking voice cracks and such. It was funny at first, but now it's just plain annoying. I tried to ignore it, but Yesung couldn't.
He threatened Henry again that he'll set his violin on fire if he doesn't shut up, and that he'd make his nose flatter than it already is. Good thing Henry stopped, 'cause I think Yesung would literally do it.
We reached our destination: SM Entertainment dorms. Wow. The building was huge, and it was meant for the stars to live in. It wasn't any normal building. It looked so big and fancy, and the windows were squeaky clean. Heck, it didn't even look like a building. It looked more like a high-rise mansion.

I walked through the entrance, and I saw so many freaking celebrities. There was Exo, T-ARA, Shinee, and so many more. I couldn't help but gape at the pretty girls in Girls Generation and F(X). Sigh. They were all so pretty while I was so... Plain.
Yesung offered to walk me to my dorm, but when I saw Eunhyuk, I strolled over to him.
"HYUKKIE!" I shouted, spreading my arms out for a hug.
"BIN-BIN!" Yea... He has an awkward nickname for me, but I got used to it. I even started liking it over time.
We hugged, and then he asked "Bin-Bin, where have you been this whole time?". He was pouting and had puppy-eyes. I couldn't help but laugh.
"I was only away for a week, Hyukkie." I said smiling. He started telling me all the things that has happened while I was away, flashing his gummy smile here and there. He looked so cute talking about it, 'cause his eyes sparkled once he got to the good parts.
"Hey, don't tell Sungmin this, but when he was sleeping, I spray-painted his nipples purple, and dyed his armpit hair blue. He still hasn't noticed!" we both snickered. Yesung just looked at us while smiling and shaking his head.
"You two, let's get going!" Yesung raised his voice, and he grabbed Eunhyuk's head with his hand.
Eunhyuk started to get serious and led me to my dorm while Yesung went down to hall to finish his other businesses.


He walked my to my room, and proudly opened the door. "Welcome, Princess." He said with a grin.
My room looks so... Neat.
I remember before my "accident", I lived in a cafe. I know, sounds weird, but I lived on the second floor while the actual cafe was on the first floor. It was a hearty, happy store, but I guess Yesung talked to them into letting me move in here. They are like family to me, so it's pretty hard not to have them around anymore.
My bed was white with lacy pink and furry grey pillows, and there was a white flat screen tv. Beside the tv was a mini sky-blue tear-drop shaped refrigerator, and beside my bed was a lamp and a desk with my belongings. The stationary were very cute, all relating to bows. Then there was a gigantic window that was from the floor up to the ceiling, and outside of my room was a balcony, that had a table, two chairs, a small hot tub, and everything else in between! The washroom was really big, and there was a walk-in closet built in. There were various types of shampoos, lotion, soap,etc. I bet this would be the first place Buddha would stay in if he ever came here. It's even fancier than what presidents and prime ministers would stay in.
I looked around amazed, with my mouth wide opened. I started squealing, and hugged Eunhyuk. "How did you guys know that I would like all these things?!"
"Had a feeling." He said while brightly smirking. I squealed again, and jumped on my bed. I spread my arms, and motioned for Eunhyuk to come over.
He ran super-fast, and then pounced on my bed. We lay side by side holding hands and smiling. If Yesung weren't my "so-called boyfriend", I would've fallen for Eunhyuk.
"Hey Bin-Bin,"
"Yes?" I replied.
"Do you remember me?"
I frowned at him. "Of course I remember you! If I didn't, I wouldn't even let you stay in my room. You and Henry are the only ones that are allowed here."
"You forgot Yesung and Kyuhyun."
I frowned again. "Yesung used to be able to go to my room?"
"Yes. Wait... You don't remember him?"
"Nope. It hurts my brain just to even try, so I don't think I'll remember him anytime soon."
"..... I picked out this room with Yesung and Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun insisted on the flat screen tv, by the way."
I just giggled, and asked "How's Leeteuk? Is he in the building right now?" Leeteuk is like my brother. I call him Lettuce sometimes. When I was younger, my parents died in a car crash, and I was the only survivor. Leeteuk's parents were there at the time, and they took me home. Leeteuk used to hate me, but then once we were playing around this forest, and something happened..... I remember it perfectly:


"LETTUCE-FACE! GIMME MY BARRETTE BACK!!!" 12 year old Leeteuk stuck his tongue at me, and ran away to the forest.
"NHA NHA, YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!!" he yelled back. Being 6, I couldn't run as fast as him. He has way longer legs. The barrette was the last thing that my mother gave to me, and I couldn't afford to lose it.
I chased him for a very long time, until we reached to the middle of the forest, where there was a shed. Lettuce-face threw the barrette in the shed, where it was dark, and there were old, dusty things. "Haha, I bet you're too chicken to go in there." He taunted.
"I can too!" I said tearing up.
He saw me tearing up, and looked a bit surprised.
"Fine. I'll go in with you, but you have to find it yourself."
So we both went in, and I was searching desperately for it while he just stood there crossing his arms.
It was a windy day, and suddenly the shed door shut closed.
We both screamed, and Lettuce was running around like crazy, while I was trying to find a way to open the the door. It was locked for sure, and it wouldn't budge open. Leeteuk started crying. I wanted to snicker, but I couldn't. He was my big brother, and yet he was scared. I walked over to him, and simply said, "Stop crying, doo doo face."
He stopped and looked at me with eyes of fury. "What do you know about anything? You're just a six year old. There's no way I'm listening to a brat."
I sat beside him, while he was still crying. I started humming a lullaby that my mother taught me, and then he slowly stopped crying. "Where did you learn that?" He asked.
"My mother taught me it before she died, and if it helps me, then I thought that it would help you." I replied.
"... I like it. Please hum more."
So I did, until we both fell asleep. We woke up in the middle of the night, and he whispered "You know, I don't really hate you. I thought you would steal my mother away from me, but instead, you shared apart of your mother with me. Uh... Thank you."
Those words sang to my ears. "Thank you too... For being a creep."

The next morning, a farmer who lived near there found us in his shed, and scolding us. We had to continuously bow and say "Mianhe!" (Sorry!) we ran back home, and our parents were relieved to find us. And ever since, we got along well.

*end of flashback*

"Yea, Leeteuk's alright. He's in Cuba with Donghae right now. He says he's "too stressed" as leader. I blame Kyuhyun and his tan tics. Once he replaced Leeteuk's shampoo with glue. But then again, I was there too..... Another time, he dipped all of his books in ink! .... Wasn't I there too...? Anyways, he also put habanera peppers in his food when he was wasn't looking. I was there too though....."
I laughed. "I think it's not just because of Kyuhyun..."
He thought about it for a moment, and nonchalantly said, "Agreed."
"Hey, let's go and eat. I'm starved!" I squeaked.
"Didn't you have something to eat at the hospital?"
"Hey, high metabolism!" I winked.


We arrived at the banquet hall where they ate everyday. It was huge, and there was a stage. The tables were lined with dinner. There was fried rice, chicken wings, spring rolls, dim sum, and so many more foods that I can't even name! We all grabbed a plate, and walked around picking food. There were separate tables for each band, so I guess I had to sit alone. When Yesung saw me sitting alone at the extra table, he walked over. "You know you could just sit with us, right?" He chuckled.
I stared at him blankly, and then blushed. His face had such soft features when they weren't pampered with dark makeup. I stared down on my plate and said "I don't wanna bother you guys." quietly.
He just walked back to the table, and grabbed his plate. I was shocked when he sat back down with me, happily eating. He noticed me staring at him, and looked back at me with a fork still in his mouth. I swear, I was dying of cuteness overload.
Then Eunhyuk and Henry walked over too, and sat down with us.
The dinner was great, and I returned to my room to find Kyuhyun playing Starcraft on my computer.
"Kyuhyun.... What are you doing here?" He stared at me for a bit, and continued playing after. That jerk didn't even answer me!

Author's note:
Hai~ so.... Who do you guys ship? I know this is a Yesung fanfic, but since there isn't much going on between the two of them, I'd like to make them more "together". I need to know who you ship the most though, so please comment below!
Okie...... I need ideas. I have a few up my sleeve, but those are for the last few chapters in the fanfic XD HELP MEHH
I think this is pretty much all I'm able to say. Please follow, favourite, and comment!
Oh, and please read my two other stories!
Instagram: mango_seed
Follow if you want to! I'd appreciate it loads <3
P.S. I wanna send my baby Eunhyuk something >///< is it weird? Sigh..... HE IS SO ADORBS
Long chapter, huh? (Well, at least longer than the last one....)

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