Tell Me You Feel The Same Way (Yesung Fanfic) Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven~

"WOAHHH, THIS ROOM IS SUCH AN IMPROVEMENT OVER YOUR OLD ROOM IN OUR HOUSE!" Minami's eyes sparkled as her eyes wondered around the room. She threw her bag on the floor and started rummaging through some of my drawers and chests.
"That's 'cause we shared it." I glared.
"Oh yea!" She suddenly remembered. Aish, this girl... Her face was gleaming while she was looking at my jewelry box, who Kyuhyun just so happened to buy for me, along with most of the necklaces. Yesung gave me a special one though; it was a small locket shaped like a star, and when I opened it, there would be this small chip playing a soft and gentle song that Yesung recorded of him singing. He claims that if I couldn't sleep, I could open it up and listen to it to help me sleep. It was given to me before my amnesia on a Christmas night, and I don't know how I could remember that so easily while everything else was a blur. I haven't yet had any chance to use it...

"Remember that old blue sock you never picked up off of my side?" I asked, irritated. Minami kept it there for three years without washing it! I swear, you could see stink fumes coming up from it.
"Well, I'm sorry!" She whined "I was just too scared to pick it up 'cause there were stink fumes!"
See, I told you there were stink fumes. "Your fault for wearing it for five weeks straight," I teased.
"S-shut up..." She blushed in embarrassment.
"You're so cute when you blush," I smiled smugly.
"You sound gay," she shoved me away, and I laughed.
"I think you mean lesbian," I smirked.
"Ugh, whatever; you know I don't use correct terms anyways." She mumbled.
I giggled, and led her out of the room to meet the other guys.
Wow, I really did sound lesbian there. I could like, pass off as a guy.
First we went to Sungmin and Ryeowook's room. Their door was painted pink...
"Minnie, Wookie!" I yelled as I knocked on their doors.
"Ah, close now, aren't we? You're suddenly calling us by our popular nicknames," Sungmin said as he opened the door. I shot him the evil eye "You know I used to call you that to call you that before you-know-what." I didn't want my best friend to know anything about this.
I could see Minami secretly fan girling deep inside due to his "aegyo effect". "Where's Ryeowook?" I asked.
"He heard from Kyuhyun you're inviting a friend over so he's preparing s'mores."
".... In a kitchen...?" I gave him a weirded-out look.
"What, does it look like we got a fireplace?" I punched him for being rude.
"Ok, ok! Sorry! Now aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend?" Sungmin smiled.
"Oh, right! Sungmin, this is Minami. Minami, this is Sungmin." I introduced the two of them.
"Sungmin-ah, I was so excited to see you! Pleased to meet you!" She said all giddy. Minami looked like she was gonna barf a waterfall of rainbows.
"Nice to meet you too," Sungmin said while flashing his pearly whites, and bowed.
She quickly faced me and started dragging me to Donghae's dorm.
"Omomomomomomomomo why does he have to be so cute...." I heard her say while she was leading me to god knows who's room.
I smiled to myself, 'cause I knew she was blushing. What would she do if she found out he was courting someone?


(Heechul's POV)

"Oi, why is there a stranger in the building?" I growled. I was sitting on the couch in the playroom next to where the kitchen is while Ryeowook was preparing s'mores. Dafuq is he making an American treat when he could just make a regular goddamn cookie? I think he's gonna make us roast them on top of the stove again like last time. Do you know how hard to it to have 13 guys surrounding a small stove with sticks in their hands? (Manager Hyung is too cheap to get us an actual fireplace, argh. But then again we would've all suffocated in the house by the smoke... Imma ask him to buy one and put it on the balcony.) Siwon almost smashed his face on the hot stove plate last time! But if he did, then his face would get ruined... THEN I'D BE THE VISUAL :D (like I'm not, psh)
"I heard she's Violet's best friend, and don't strangers enter the building all the time?" he replied, still concentrating on cutting the graham crackers to perfect squares. Why can't he just break them with his bare hands? Or maybe just call the whole group to come in and make their own? Aish, this guy is so stupid. Bothering himself... He could be doing the laundry right now! Like, I have to do it in the evening... GOD.
"Can't you just have us make our own s'mores? What if I want more chocolate than I do with Marshmallows? Hah? What if Kyuhyun is allergic to Hershey chocolate made in plastic wrapping? Hah? And I don't care if she's her 'best friend', I want her out." I frowned and crossed my arms. There is no way I can focus on the tv if I know that there I a stranger lurking in these halls and could possibly steal Heebum...

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