Tell Me You Feel The Same Way (Yesung Fanfic) Chapter One

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Chapter One~

(Violet POV)

"Huff, huff, huff..." I don't know what was going on. All I knew was that I was running away, away from the world. Away from everyone.

Then I fell. I blacked out, entering the darkness...



I heard voices.
Someone, no, people, were talking. It was getting louder and louder, and my ear drums were ringing. What was happening? I couldn't even open my eyes...
With all my might, I pried them open. The light was hurting my eyes. I lightly screamed, and blocked my face with my sleeves.
"Oh! She's awake now!" A guy with red side bangs said.
Who is he, and what is he doing here?
"Who are you?" I asked im-patiently.
He gave me a sad/surprised look, and turned towards a man who I suppose was a doctor. "What is wrong with her?" He asked, hurt. The doctor turned to face me, and then turned towards the dude again and whispered something in his ear.
The guy grimaced, and started tearing up.
"So... she won't... remember me?" He asked, stricken. The guy started crying, covering his eyes with his arm. His crying got even louder.
What was happening? I didn't know what to do. I had a sudden urge to come up to him, ask him what's wrong. But I knew it involved me. It hurts my brain just trying to know what he means to me. I simply just walked up to him, and gave him a hug. His eyes opened wide, and he stopped crying.
"Do you remember me yet?" He asked, desperate and still holding onto me.
"I don't remember you, but I know you're crying because of me." I said, straight forward. I break the hug.
He looked at me, and cringed. Holding back his tears, he said "I'm Yesung, your boyfriend."

Since when did I have a boyfriend?
I stared at him with a WTF face, and tilted my head. He looked really hurt, so I mumbled a 'sorry'.
Yesung grabbed my wrist, dragged me out of the room, and to the food court.


(Yesung POV)

What is the doctor talking about? How can she not remember me?!
I remembered his exact words;


"Apart of her brain has been traumatized dramatically, and it might take years to recover. You must take extreme care of her over a period of time. It seems like on the left side of her brain, has been overthinking with deep, mixed emotions, and because of that, whatever topic she cares or thinks the most about at that exact moment of the accident will be forgotten. Perhaps one of those subjects is you, sir. I will subscribe these pills that will shorten the long wait for her brain to fully recover. All you need to know for now is that she has amnesia. Not very heavy, but not very light either. Be sure to give her the most of your attention, or show her something that may have some connection or importance between the two of you, and she will recover in no time." The doctor said with a hopeful smile.

*end of flashback*

"OUCH!" Violet screeched. I turned to look at her, and she was tearing up. She tried to pull away, but I held on tighter. Then, I stared down at my hand. Oh. I guess I had hurt her wrist, because it looked like it was throbbing, so I let go. She quickly grabbed her wrist, and stood there quietly.
"I'm... I'm sorry, Violet. You seem hungry. Do you want something to eat?" I asked softly.
She shook her head rapidly, but a few seconds later, her stomach started to grumble. I could see she was nervous, and her palms were sweaty.
She would always do that when she hungry.
I lead her to a table, and pulled out her seat for her. She refused, and sat down on a chair right across from it.
She then looked away, and gave an angry-pouty look. So she really doesn't remember me, huh?
I asked her to sit there for a moment, and that the food will cone soon. I jogged to one of the hospital cafes, and ordered some chicken noodle soup and a bagel for her. I remember when we first met, she was eating this, so it outta make her recover, at least a bit.
Proudly strolling over, I placed the tray right in front of her. She just stared at it, blinking.
"What, is there something wrong with it?" I asked, smiling like a fool.
"There's no crackers. I remember I always eat it with crackers." Shoot. The day we met, she had crackers with her. I blushed, and ran over to the condiments table. Then I face-palmed, and grumbled. "Shit... How could I forget?"

(Violet POV)

Ugh... My brain hurts again, something about crackers... ARGH. Just when the Yesung dude ran off, I looked in his direction. I had some kind of feeling.... But I don't even know what it's called. All I feel are butterflies in my stomach, and every time I look at him, my heart beat skips. I feel sweaty, and it feels like I'm trapped in my own body. What is this? I must be coming down with a fever or something.
Then, Yesung jogged back. He handed me three packs of salted crackers, and sat down.
I devoured the soup and crackers like a pack of animals, and after I was done, I noticed him staring at me. Did he stare at me this whole time?!
"H-HEY! What is your problem?! Were you staring at me this whole time?!" I stuttered like a fool.
All he did was chuckle, and motioned for me to go back to the room to pack my things. He lead me there, and left to start the car.
Should I trust him? What if he isn't the kind of person I thought he was? When I think about him, my brain hurts, but I know that we are somehow.... Dating.
I shrugged and started packing my things.
On my bed, I found a package, addressed to me, from Yesung. It was in a grey box with a gigantic pale pink bow. I opened it up, and there was a really pretty black and white polka dot skirt with a white hoodie with cat ears, and on the hoodie was a black outline of a cat face. I quickly changed, and draped my belongings over my shoulders.
I said goodbye to the doctor and receptionist, and headed towards the car, where Yesung was waiting for me.

Author's note:

Hello~ I'm mango_seed, nice to meet you <3
Don't worry, I'm not as nice as I sound here. Hehehe....
Anyways, like it so far??? I hope you do.... My second fanfic, and I currently only have one follower :p Yeah.... Not so good...... So mind following and favouriting? Thanks!
Let's talk about favourite flavours of ice cream. I know it's random, but every chapter we're gonna talk about the most random things, so don't be surprised.
I prefer mint chocolate chip, chocolate, and birthday party flavoured >^<
A lot of people like cookie dough, but I'm not a huge fan..... Sorry!
I just think it's way too sweet, and it's like.... Idk, raw...... I don't like eating raw things other than fruits and veggies.
Comment below, and remember to read my Eunhyuk Fanfic and my other story!
Follow me on Instagram if you'd like, I'm mango_seed.

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