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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I was having the worst day ever. First, I made coffee for myself, but spilled it in my car on the way to work. Then, at work, my boss gave me a new large stack of paperwork, so I had to stay overtime. And now, as I'm driving home, Leo texts me saying that he's going out with his costar Kate! On a normal day, this would've been totally fine, but after the day I've had, I just wanted to go home and cuddle. You know what, fine, if he's gonna go out then I'm gonna stay in with my best guy friend James. I don't need Leo, I'll have a nice time with James gossiping and watching random movies.

Kate's P.O.V.
Leo and I just got done filming for the day. I really like him, but I know he's with (Y/N). I decided that I was going to ask him out anyways, so here goes nothing. "Hey, Leo, wanna go out tonight??" He smiles gently, "Sure, sounds like fun. I can't stay out late though, I wanna go home to (Y/N) and cuddle." My smile instantly drops. Even though he agreed, he's still thinking about her. Fine, whatever, I get him to myself for a few hours at least.

Leo's P.O.V.
Kate and I were on our way to eat. I was on my phone while our driver was pulling into the parking lot. Kate pulled me out of the door and told me to get off my phone so we could eat. We went inside the restaurant and got seated. After a few minutes the waiter comes with our drinks and asks what we'd like to eat. Kate ordered the Italian platter while I went with a steak. I chuckled to myself thinking about (Y/N). Her and Kate and completely different. Kate is elegant and poised, while (Y/N) couldn't care one bit about others' opinion. That's why I love her so much. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a text from (Y/N)'s friend James.
J) Dude why the fuck is (Y/N) crying on the couch at home??
L) Wait, she what?!!
J) Yeah she texted me to come over quick with ice cream and tissues. She said that you're going out with Kate??
L) Yeah, I texted her that Kate and I were going out for dinner. Why would that make her cry??
J) She said she had a bad day and that you don't care about her anymore. You only want Kate and you're going to leave her. I think you should come over.
L) Yeah, I'll be there in a few.
J) K, bye
L) Bye
I turned back to Kate. "Sorry, I gotta go. (Y/N)'s not okay." She scowled at me, "Why do you care for that bitch?!? She's not worth your time. She acts like a fucking idiot all the time and doesn't care about what people think about her!!" I growled under my breath, "That just means she has more confidence than you!! She isn't a bitch, you are!!" I stood up and left.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
James has been consoling me for an hour now, telling me everything will be just fine. Suddenly the door slams open and Leo runs up to my side. "Babygirl, how could you think that I'd ever leave you?? I love you way too much to ever leave you. Never doubt that, okay??" I just slightly nod my head in agreement, then lay it on his shoulder. James smiles, "Guess that's my queue to leave then." I look up at him, "That's for being here for me. See you later, bye." He walked out the door. Leo turns my head towards him and gives me a mind blowing kiss.

 Leo turns my head towards him and gives me a mind blowing kiss

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He just makes me so star-struck. I love him so so much, and I know he loves me too. I don't know why I was ever so jealous.

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