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Leo's POV
(Y/N) and I have been drifting apart lately and I'm not sure why. Everyone seems to think that we're not compatible anymore, but what if she agrees? I didn't want to think about it too much so I focused on work. Today, Kate and I had the scene where I paint her with the necklace on. We all got in places, but I couldn't seem to focus much. All my thoughts were on what I was going to do with (Y/N) tonight to see whether or not she wanted to take a break. "Leo! What the hell is going on in your head?" I looked over to see Kate in a robe and looking at me like I had grown another head. "Do you need a break? Is everything alright?" She genuinely seemed upset. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a lot on my mind right now." She smiled sympathetically, "Are you sure you wanna continue today? We can always do the scene tomorrow." I shook my head know if we stopped now I'd be miserable the rest of the day.

Time Skip ( produced by Leo's beautiful abs😏)

After filming the scene, Kate and I were free to go for the day. She had invited me to go out with her for a bit in order to clear my head. I looked at my watch, 3:15pm. Hmmm, (Y/N) doesn't get home until 6:15 from work. "I guess it couldn't hurt to get a drink or two. Sure, let's go." We both left in her car as she promised she'd bring me back for mine. As we arrived to the bar, it was much fuller than I would've expected at such an early time. "Come on!! Let's go get you relaxed!" She looked almost too excited to go inside. Walking in, the immediate smell of alcohol filled my senses. Ah, I could totally go for a Scotch on the rocks. I walked up to the all too busty bartender and ordered. "Sugar, you look like you need more than a drink. You should get some girl and get fucked." My eyes widened as she smirked flirtatiously at me. "Um, it's just been a long day, I'll pass. I have a girlfriend, we've just been fighting more often." She shrugged and left me alone with my drink. Not even 30 minutes later, I had downed 2 scotches and 4 vodka shots. Yeah, thinking about our strained relationship had really done a number on me. I was drunk and dancing with some smoking hot chick when she pulled me closer and started kissing me. Not even thinking about it, I kissed back and grabbed her ass, pulling closer. She moaned in my mouth and I pulled away, "Hey, you wanna get outta here and go back to my place?" She smirked and pulled me closer, "Hell yeah, let's go to my car. You drive, and I'll play on the way..." I couldn't help but kiss her once more.

Time Skip

After terribly parking the car due to my drunken mind. I got out and pulled the girl to me one more time. "By the way, I'm (Girl's name), just so you know what to scream all night." I smirked, "I'm Leo." The door creaked open as I held her close to me. I gasped as (Y/N) looked at me with the most heartbroken look I've ever seen. "Leo, is this where you've been all night. I know we've been fighting recently, but have I really drove you to want someone else?" I sputtered and tried to make sure that she knew it wasn't her fault. The girl had already drove away, hoping to avoid confrontation. (Y/N) cried as she kept asking what she did wrong. I really fucked up this time. How am I going to fix this?
To be continued...

Sorry guys, I know you guys all voted for cheating, and it tooling me forever, but I'll have the second part up soon. With this stupid COVID-19 crap going on I have lots of homework, but I got bored. Hope you're all surviving!!!❤️

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