Stay Home Today, Please?

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(A/N: First of all, I just want to say thank you to everyone who reads my stories! I love you guys so much❤️) Now enjoy the story!!
Leo's P.O.V.
I've been having such a stressful time at work. I don't have my lines memorized, Kate has been hounding me about having dinner with her, and I haven't seen my beautiful girlfriend in days. She's been working everyday while I'm at work, and she's asleep by the time I get home. I'm fed up with having to deal with only being able to see her sleeping. I miss her smile, her laugh, the small glint in her eyes as she looks at me, even the silly way she slides around the apartment in fuzzy socks. I just want to be able to hold her close to me and kiss her face until she's a gorgeous shade of cherry red. I miss my baby. Fuck it, I'm not going into work tomorrow. As soon as I dropped my stuff by the front door and kicked off my shoes, I texted the director and told him I wasn't feeling the best. I told him I was going to take tomorrow off in order to rest up for filming. He didn't seem too angry, so I guess I'm in the clear. After that, I texted (Y/N)'s boss and told them she had a fever and that I was keeping her home tomorrow. Her boss replied with a quick thumbs up. I walked into our bedroom to grab what I needed to go shower quickly. As I scrubbed my body, the only thing that was running through my mind was how long it's really been since I've had sufficient cuddles with my girlfriend. Tomorrow, I won't let her out if my arms no matter what. After my shower, I returned to the bedroom and plopped on my side of the bed. (Y/N) grunted and shifted closer to me. I drifted off with a slight smile on my face, just thinking about how much I love her.

Time Skip
Next morning - 6:42 am
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I stirred from my deep ass slumber, expecting to be alone in a cold bed. However, I could feel arms wrapped tightly around my torso and someone was mumbling into my neck. "Fi—fish sticks... I just want fucking fish sticks!" Leo was obviously still asleep and possibly hungry. I giggled to myself and slowly unwrapped his arms from my body. I got up to use the bathroom, and when I came back, he was sitting up with his hair all messy from bed. His eyes still carried drowsiness from sleep. He looked so precious! "(Y/N), why'd you leave me?! I was having the best time curled up beside me. Please come back to bed. I'm so sleepy!" I couldn't argue with him , and I was still tired to. It was much to early. I think sleeping in would be nice for th— OMG! I have work! I need to get ready! I started scrambling around the room, rummaging for all my work things so I could get ready. Suddenly, I was picked up by the waist and thrown back onto the bed. "Leo, look, I love you, and I would love to stay. However, I have a shift at work tod-" My explanation was cut short by lips pressing softly to mine. "I hope you don't mind, but I actually called you in sick today. I haven't seen you in forever, and I needed a day to just relax with you. So, I was wondering if you could just stay home today, please?" His shy smile made me gleam in pure pleasure. How could anyone say no to a pure little fluff ball? I swear to God, I am blessed to have this man in my life. "Of course I'll stay home today, Leo! You just had to ask! But next time, tell me before you call me in sick, okay?" His smile widened and he nodded quickly, "So does this mean you'll come back to bed and cuddle with me, please?"

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