Sweet Lips

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(A/N: just got this cute idea from @StarrySkies22 about a holiday themed story!! Thanks bb!!❤️ Also this one is about Jack Dawson, and I know that it's set in a different time than the movie, but the titanic sank before Christmas so....)
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I'm sitting in the elegant ballroom of the boat by my friend, Rose. We're sipping hot cocoa from glass mugs, and enjoying the festivities of the party. In only three days, it's Christmas!!! It's always been one of my favorite times of the year because everyone is so cheerful and festive!! There's even a fruit cake!! Yeah, but I doubt anyone's gonna eat it. Either way, I'm going to join the dancing, and enjoy the party. "Rose, I'm gonna go dance for a while! Will you watch my cocoa?" She smiled, "Of course, (Y/N), go enjoy yourself." "Oh don't worry, I will!! There's even a mistletoe! Maybe I'll find Mr. Right!!"

Jack's P.O.V.
I'm sitting in the back of the ballroom, and I hate the fact that Rose even asked me to show up to one of these things. I think she's just trying to set me up with another rich, snobby girl. Ugh, and I can't even stand Rose sometimes, how can I even be in this room anymore!? I gotta get out, I'm suffocating!! I start marching towards the door, but I'm pulled onto the dance floor!! "Woah, buddy! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" The man just smirked, " Come on, don't be such a sour puss. Dance, enjoy the night! Look, there's even mistletoe, maybe you'll get yourself a kiss!" I just scoffed and looked away. "As if I'd kiss anyone in this place, bud." The guy just shrugged and left me alone. I turned to finally leave this place, and stumbled into a girl. Right as they were falling, I latched my arms around her hips and held her steady. She looked at me with beautiful, big (e/c) eyes and smiled. "Hey, t-thanks for catching me so q-quick... um w-what's your name? I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." Wow she's so cute, and that stutter!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
Someone bumped into me, and I started to fall. Suddenly, I just stopped.. Wow, he's so cute. "Hey, t-thanks for catching me so q-quick... um w-what's your name? I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." Dammit, I stuttered. He must think I'm a blubbering idiot. "I'm Jack Dawson. It's a pleasure catching you. Sorry for bumping you in the first place." I smiled, "Oh, that's fine! It is a crowded ballroom after all." After that, I glanced up, and as luck would have it, were right under the mistletoe. Jack looked up too and smirked, "Well, my dear. Looks like we have something to do, huh?" I blushed a deep red, "Yeah, I guess so.." I puckered my lips and leaned in as he did. As our lips met, I could swear that sparks flew. He broke apart and smiled sweetly, "You've got sweet lips, they taste like hot chocolate." I blushed harder and laughed. "Yeah, I guess they are sweet, but so were yours." He laughed slightly, " Do you wanna get outta here and look at the stars?" I nodded eagerly, "I'd love to!!" He grabbed my hand and we bolted outta there fast. So fast, I even forgot about Rose, who was left holding my drink all night.

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