Smile, Please?

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(A/N quick thing, this is all in Leo's POV, ok??)
(Little trigger warning, reader is depressed)
I was looking at my friend and co-star (Y/N) (L/N). I can't shake this repeating feeling that something is off. I don't know why, but she has never smiled. Well, I mean she's smiled, but not a genuinely happy smile. I need to get to the bottom of it because I really like her and I want to see her smile for me. So, today, I'm walking around the set asking anyone if they know the reason that she doesn't smile. One of the workers, Alex, says that she may know why. I asked her to speak privately with me about it. So we went into my dressing room. "Leo, I'm not sure if I'm completely correct, but once I heard (Y/N) talking about depression. I was only able to pick up on some of the conversation, but I'm pretty sure that she was diagnosed with clinical depression or bipolar depression." I was shocked to my very core. (Y/N), the kindest person I know, who cares more about others' wellbeing before her own, has depression. I didn't want to believe it. "Thanks, Alex. I appreciate your help. I'll be sure to ask (Y/N) later. I just want to make sure." Alex then looks at me with sultry eyes. "While we're here, and alone, do you wanna fool around a bit?? I could show you a good time, Leo. Plus, I'm really good at blow jobs." I looked at Alex shocked, but mainly disgusted and disappointed. "I think I'm going to say no. I don't like sluts, sorry. But thanks for telling me what you knew about (Y/N)'s condition." I stormed out of the room I search for my precious angel. Then, I heard someone crying down the hall. It was coming from (Y/N)'s dressing room!! I opened the door to see her in the corner of the room with her head tucked in her knees, but looking gorgeous as ever in her attire for the movie.

It's one of these three^^^She looked up as I shut the door

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It's one of these three^^^
She looked up as I shut the door. I slowly stepped towards her, opening my arms, inviting her to take shelter in my embrace. She does so, standing up and shakily walking towards me. "Darling, why must you stain your face with those dreadful tears?? You should be laughing, smiling, and most of all happy. I hate seeing you like this." She releases a sob, hiding her face in my chest. "I can't!! You went into your dressing room with Alex. She probably seduced you into sex. Why can't you see that I'm in love with you?? You're an idiot, Leonardo!!" I smiled gently because she admitted that she loved me and I couldn't be more excited. "(Y/N), you're the idiot. I love you so so much. I was asking Alex if she knew why you don't smile. That's it. By the way, do you have depression??" (Y/N) frowns deeply as she pulls away from me. "Yes, I was diagnosed with clinical depression after high school. Although, it's gotten better, but it's hard at times to be happy." I took her by the shoulders, " I will do everything in my power to make sure you're happy. I cannot promise that I will succeed everyday, but I will try. You have my word." She looked at me innocently, "You'd do that for me??" I smiled widely, "Of course, but first could you smile, please?? For me??" Her mouth broke into an amazingly dazzling smile that lit up the entire room. I couldn't help myself and I kissed her on the spot. She kissed back and then pulled away smiling even more. Now it's my job to protect (Y/N) and keep her smiling forever.

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