Cheating P2

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A/N: OMG I'm so sorry this has taken me forever to actually write!!! I hope you all know ily and that I do take requests, just comment what you want written!! Now for what you've all waited so long for:

Leo's P.O.V.
I fucked up, like big time fucked up. I'm standing on the porch with my girlfriend crying because I got drunk and tried to take another girl home. WTF was I thinking!?

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I turned to Leo with tears streaming down my puffy, red face, "Was I not enough? Was I so goddamn hard to live with that you had to go out and find someone else? Why didn't you just break up with me? Wouldn't that have been better than you just-" He grabbed my face and smashed his lips on mine. Pushing him off felt like the right thing to do, but I couldn't help but melt into him, even after all he's done. "Look, (Y/N), I cant excuse what I did, but I promise you that if you give me just one chance to fix this, I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I promise, just please, please, don't leave me!" I started crying again. How fucking dare he!? He thinks that this can be changed with a promise?! I mean, I'm a forgiving person, but forgetting dinner is fucking different than cheating on me! "Leo, is not so sure you could fix this. My entire life, I've thought that I would be alone because of how I look and act, but you showed me time and time again you love me. Now, after weeks of hard time, you've turned to finding someone else to satisfy you! How in the hell do you expect me to give you a chance to fix this!? You've taken the trust you built over years, and smashed it to pieces in one stupid move!" Both of us are sobbing now on the porch. I move to go inside, and he follows. As I sit on the couch, he stands and chokes out, "But I love you... I can't imagine a life without you, even if we break up, I need you. You're perfect and beautiful and the light of my fucking, godforsaken life! Please, I just need one chance, just one, to fix this. Please..." I just sat there and stared at him blanking for a moment. Is it worth it for me to forgive him? What if he does it again? Will he finally realize I'm not enough for him. What would I do if he left? I can't live without him either. I can't let him leave me! "Fine, but only one chance. I can't live without you either! You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I don't wanna lose you!"

Leo's P.O.V.
I looked up at (Y/N) after she told me she'd let me fix this. I can't believe it!! I'm not losing the light of my life. I'm not losing my sunshine. She's going to let me fix this!! "Are you serious? Like seriously, I'm not losing you? I have a chance?" She smiled at me and stood from the couch. I took her in my arms and picked her up. "I hope you realize that I'm never letting you go. I fucked up, but I'll never even forget dinner again. You're mine forever and always, I fucking love you!" She squealed as a spin her around in my arms and held her bridal style. As I slowed down, she cupped my cheek with her dainty hands, "I hope you know that I fucking love you too. Promise me that you'll always be mine." I smirked and nodded as I walked towards the stairwell. "I know we haven't exactly eaten dinner yet, but I'm hoping you'll let me have dessert first?" She blushed a bright red hue and buried her face in my shoulder. "Maybe go you're good enough.." she mumbled. Oh, darling, you'll see just how good we are together..

A/N: well, my loves, that's it!! I hope it was good enough for the wait!! So I have a few ideas for my next piece, hopefully I'll update soon enough!! I hope all of you are staying safe in quarantine!! I love you guys so much! Thank you for 10k reads, I didn't expect many people to like my writing!! I love you all, have a great day!!

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