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A/N: OMG! I'm sorry I haven't been updating!! I've been really busy, and tbh, I kinda forgot I even had this story on Wattpad.. Anyways, thank you guys for 31K reads❤️ Enjoy this small drabble I just thought of!

(Y/N)'s POV:
I'm sticky and sweating. My cheeks are red and I'm panting hard. I'm so hot, so unbelievably hot. Leo's not much better. His shirt sticking to his chest and the way his hair is matted is gorgeous.
I usually love hot weather! It's a time to break out the cute bootie shorts that Leo loves, and I get to wear cute swimsuits to the pool! However, the weather in Los Angeles is just sweltering. If the AC isn't on, you're dying in over 100 degree heat! The only way to cool off is the beach, so that's where we're headed. Unfortunately, it seems the entire population of the city had the same idea, so now we're standing in the sun trying to find a shady place to set our things. Eventually, Leo grabs my hand and walks over towards some fancy cabanas. He speaks to a man in a hotel uniform and hands him some cash. Then he turns to me with a smile. "I convinced the guy to let us sit here! I told him we'd only be here for two or three hours and gave him a generous amount of cash!" The proud look in his beautiful eyes made me giggle. I can't believe I have such an amazingly sweet boyfriend. I leaned towards him and kissed him hard. He leaned away after a few moments, "How about you set your stuff down? I'll go grab us some drinks!" He left quickly, and I sat down our bags. after setting down the bags, I removed my white lace coverup and folded it neatly. I had just gotten out the sunscreen when Leo returned. "Hey, sugar. I got us some lemonades and ice cream. Oh! Do you want me to get your back, love?" I smiled at him, "If you don't mind, baby! Thank you." He handed me the ice cream in exchange for the sunscreen lotion bottle. While he was rubbing it on my back, he hit a muscle that made me moan. I could practically feel his smirk as he continued to dig deeper, making me moan louder. He eventually let up and turned me around. "Did that feel good love? I can tell you didn't even have a moment to think. You're ice cream is dripping down your chest. Do you want me to clean it for you?" Before I could answer, his tongue was on my collarbone, licking and suckling at the skin. I whimpered as quietly as possible, seeing as we're in public, but I couldn't help myself. He started licking towards my neck after he got all the ice cream. "Leo...m.. ngh.. Leo, there's no ice cream up there.. hm!" He bit down on the juncture between my neck and my shoulder and then let go of me. "I know, love, but your sounds were just irresistible. I had to claim you before we went swimming. I just want everyone to know you're mine, and now they will!" He smiled so childishly that I wouldn't even have know that he was the one biting me beforehand if I didn't know any better. I shook my head and grabbed his hand, "Come on, babe. Let's just go swimming and have a good time. You can claim me all you want later." He smirked at me as we headed towards the water, "I'm going to hold you to that, pretty girl. When we get home, you're mine!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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