Chapter 1

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It was just an ordinary day at the school
Children running in the halls
The principal walking after them
Baldi making sure nobody fails his class
Until a child got a question wrong on purpose
He got mad and grabbed his ruler
Baldi was surprised the child didn't run
"Hey kid why are you not running?"
"I know you won't hurt me! You cannot hit a child!"
"You sure?"
"Indeed I am! And I got a suprise for you mr baldi..~"
The kid stood up
He was tall
Taller than everyone in the school
Baldi took a step back and yelled at the "child"
"If you don't behave yourself I will send you to detention!"
"Go ahead and try! I'm taller than you Baldimore!"
Baldi got called by his real name
He could only be called by his real name by the principal
That's when he snapped
He tightened his grip on his ruler
And hit the student right in his neck
The student's neck started to bleed
He fell onto the ground dead
Baldi dropped his ruler put an unhappy expression on his face
"You should've known better.."
He didn't notice the principal getting inside the classroom looking at the dead student
"Baldi! What have you done?!"
"Oh uh...I killed a child predator!"
"That was a child predator?! How did he get in here?!"
"Enough with the questions...let's just bury him somewhere far away from the school and never talk about this.."
Time passed
And soon the time hit 2:30 pm when the students and the teachers leave
The principal and Baldi took the dead body and buried it far away from the school so if anyone finds the body they wouldn't suspect it was anyone from the school
After they buried the body they walked home together
"Are you into men or women?"
Baldi almost spit his coffee when he heard that question
"What kind of question is this?!"
"W-Well I sorta wanted to know...aren't we close friends anyways?"
"Well I wouldn't describe us as friends..."
Baldi mumbled
He was praying to god that Kennith(?)
Didn't hear that because they indeed were close friends, baldi just didn't want to admit it
Well Baldi had thought about them being more than friends
Not best friends
Nor close friends
"Did you say something?"
"Uh no no! I agree we are close friends!"
"Ok so tell me, are you into men or women?"
"It's kind of embarrassing but..."
Kennith was all ears, he really did want to know more about Baldi
He wanted to take him out on a date, he wanted to do dirty things with him, he wanted to spend every single day with him
"I'm into"
Kennith was shocked but also happy with his response
Baldi on the other hand was embarrassed because his thoughts led him to think that Kennith would abandon him
But he knew Kennith wasn't like that
"Really? You're into men too?"
"Wait what?"
"I'm actually into men too...and well these past two years...i.."
"I meant to say...I really like you Baldimore..."
Baldi smirked and wiped his eyes
"Don't mess around with my feelings you ass!"
"I-I'm not!"
Baldi ran to his house quickly and locked the door
"Why me...?.."

please tell me if the principal's name is Kennith or Kenneth
Because I've been hearing that his actual name is kennith but other people say it's Kenneth

No touching my Baldimore in the halls!(Principal of the thing x Baldi)Where stories live. Discover now