Chapter 16

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(Long chapter)
Players dream)))))))))
(Of course including their POV)
I wake up
"What time is it?"
I look at the clock
It was 5:30 pm
I slept a lot, didn't I?
I stand up and notice the room
It was pure black...I'm beginning to feel suspicious....
"This doesn't look good.."
I walk around the dark room
There's absolutely nothing to do here...
Suddenly I hear someone saying my name
The voice was glitchy
"Oh no..."
I run away from the voice
I trip on something as I thought to myself
"No nope this is NOT happening no"
I get up and feel a hand touch my back
Not wanting to look at the voice
"R⃠u⃠d⃠e⃠...a⃠r⃠e⃠ y⃠o⃠u⃠ n⃠o⃠t⃠ g⃠o⃠i⃠n⃠g⃠ t⃠o⃠ g⃠r⃠e⃠e⃠t⃠ y⃠o⃠u⃠r⃠ b⃠e⃠s⃠t⃠ f⃠r⃠i⃠e⃠n⃠d⃠?"
He laughed
I slap his hand
"After what you did to Baldi I wouldn't consider you as a friend.."
I heard him growl
I growled back
He let out a sigh
"l⃠o⃠o⃠k⃠...i⃠ k⃠n⃠o⃠w⃠ w⃠h⃠a⃠t⃠ i⃠ d⃠i⃠d⃠ w⃠a⃠s⃠ b⃠a⃠d⃠...b⃠u⃠t⃠ i⃠ c⃠a⃠n⃠ m⃠a⃠k⃠e⃠ i⃠t⃠ u⃠p⃠ t⃠o⃠ y⃠o⃠u⃠!"
He smiled
"a⃠s⃠k⃠  t⃠h⃠e⃠m⃠ t⃠o⃠ g⃠o⃠ o⃠n⃠ a⃠ d⃠o⃠u⃠b⃠l⃠e⃠ d⃠a⃠t⃠e⃠-"
"Ew gross I'm not going with you..."
"i⃠ w⃠a⃠s⃠n⃠t⃠ f⃠i⃠n⃠i⃠s⃠h⃠e⃠d⃠....b⃠e⃠s⃠i⃠d⃠e⃠s⃠ i⃠v⃠e⃠ a⃠l⃠r⃠e⃠a⃠d⃠y⃠ f⃠o⃠u⃠n⃠d⃠ m⃠y⃠ f⃠i⃠a⃠n⃠c⃠e⃠.."
"Oh so somebody accepted you into their life? Oh congratulations! Let's celebrate! Wowww woooo!! You think I'll just believe a liar like you? Don't try to be smart file..."
I walked away not wanting to hear the next thing he'll say
The room started shaking
I was afraid but then I remembered, this is just a dream
And since we can do whatever we want in our dreams
I asked for magic powers
Didn't get them
Welp this is a dream but I'm not controlling this dream :\
I closed my eyes for no reason
I wait for the ground to stop shaking
It stopped...
I open my eyes to see that I'm outside of here school
I open the big yellow doors and step inside
I was greeted by my future dad
"Oh hi! Welcome to my SchoolHouse!"
"Hi Baldi! Can you tell me why the school is open?"
"It's Mr Baldi...and school is open because it's September...did you forget?"
"Haha! You're funny Baldi! It's July!"
Baldi gave me the calendar was September
Wait what?! Oh yeah...this is a dream...I forgot
"Oh yes! Im sorry! I just had a weird dream!"
"It's ok about we play a game?"
"What kind?"
"Like Tag.."
"I put 7 notebooks around the school, each note book has three math problems, collect them all and escape the school! How does that sound?"
"Boring...can't you like...say it in a more playful way?"
Baldi growled in his breath
"Go ahead...I'm listening.."
"Oh noes! Summer school is out, but your friend has a problem! He left all his noteboos in summer school, but doesn't have time to go get them, because if he does he'll be late for eating practice. To help him out , you have to go back in the school and find all seven of his notebooks for him. It won't be easy though! I love challenging my students with fun trivia problems whenever i can! Each time you find a notebook, you'll have to answer some questions. Answer all three correctly, and you will earn a prize! Find all seven notebooks, and then exit the summer school, to win!"
"Now that's the spirit!"
"I literally just did this for a ten year old..."
I took Baldi's hand and shook it
This is a weird dream...oh well! Things happen
Baldi looks at me
His eyes full of anger
"Don't waste time and go solve the notebooks!"
"Yes Mr Baldi!"
Oh god it's been so long since I called him mr baldi...
I enter the classroom to find a notebook lying there
I open it and find simple math questions
1 + 2 = 3
4 - 8 = -4
5 + 6 = 11
Hah! Easy!
"Wow! You're incredible!"
I get out of the classroom
"You did great! Come here and get your prize! A shiny quarter!"
"Thank you!"
I take the quarter, quickly hug baldi and run to the next classroom
Baldi didn't have time to react at my quick hug
How did I know? Well he was smiling at me a few seconds ago...
I get inside the next classroom to find another notebook lying there
I open it and find two simple math questions and one that can't even be solved
5 - 2 = 3
4 + 9 = 13
¢₩₽¥£§§€ + $&¥¥€•*%# - #%€£¥€><•*$&$₩ X §¥£₽$¢¥££ = 16
I heard a loud smacking sound
Well sheet...he's mad
I get out of the classroom and see baldi from the other side of the big yellow doors
Before I can react I suddenly wake up
I'm in my room..?
Player got out of their room
The house was empty
Baldi and Kennith must've gone somewhere
The time was 7:26 pm
Player slept a lot
But they were still hungry
They went to the kitchen
Food was ready there
They had rice with red meat
Player heated up the food in the microwave
The food was ready
Player took out the hot food and buried their face into it
"Ah! hot hot!!"
They threw water on their face
"I shouldn't have done that...oh well! Mistakes happen!"
They waited for the food to cool down a little so they could eat
After a little while the food cooled down and player ate in peace
"What was that dream..."
player thought
He heard voices from outside the front door
They knew it was their drunk future dads
They opened the door
Baldi hugged Kennith
"babe I gotta *hic* smack a child *hic* Wait for meh..."
Baldi grabbed his ruler
Player got into their room and hid under the bed
Player sighed
"The child went to their room!"
"Good to *hic* lets go fuck or somethinnnn"

(Next chapter contains nsfw ;)))))))))))))) )

No touching my Baldimore in the halls!(Principal of the thing x Baldi)Where stories live. Discover now