Chapter 11

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Got ideas don't worry ppl .w.))
But unfortunately I'm gonna make the nsfw chapter in chapter 12 -w-

Monday 8:25 am
All the students gathered up in front of the school(you know the 4 students :\)
The principal was announcing the date of the school prom for the summer holidays
"So children! The school prom will happen at the 14th of July! Yes I know the school will be closed then but that's no excuse! Oh and be prepared for the finals tomorrow! We hope everyone passes...or else they'll spend their whole summer vacation studying so they can retake the finals in September...this day will be about breaking the rules and playing games! Well Im only allowing these can drink in the halls, you can run and you can do fourth wall breaks...anyways please go to your classroom before mr baldi gets mad"
The children ran to their classroom
Mr baldi was there tapping his ruler lightly on his desk
"What took you so long??"
Playtime walked in front of Mr Baldi
T⃣h⃣e⃣ P⃣r⃣i⃣n⃣c⃣i⃣p⃣a⃣l⃣ w⃣a⃣n⃣t⃣e⃣d⃣ t⃣o⃣ t⃣e⃣l⃣l⃣ u⃣s⃣ s⃣o⃣m⃣e⃣t⃣h⃣i⃣n⃣g⃣ i⃣m⃣p⃣o⃣r⃣t⃣a⃣n⃣t⃣
"Oh ok im sorry.."
Baldi patted playtimes head
Playtime laughed and went to her seat
"Alright children! Today you can do whatever you want like the principal said! I would suggest studying for tomorrow's finals but if you want to study at your house that's fine too!"
Baldi smiled
He noticed players shirt

"Baldi patted playtimes headPlaytime laughed and went to her seat"Alright children! Today you can do whatever you want like the principal said! I would suggest studying for tomorrow's finals but if you want to study at your house that's fine too!"...

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(Arts mine as always ._.)
Player blushed a bit at baldi's reaction
Baldi's eyes had turned into stars again(metaphorically)
He changed his mind about player
He loved them and would feel like a proud father if he was their father of course
"Player can you come here for a second?"
"Y-Yes Mr Baldi!"
Player ran to Baldi with a worried expression on their face
"Did you make that sweater yourself?"
"Yes Mr Baldi!"
"How? I mean your clothes are attached to your body aren't they?"
"Yes they are...but I managed to do something about it!"
"What did you do?"
"I went to someone called FileName2! He's my best friend!"
Filename2? What a strange name...
Baldi thought
"How about introducing me to your friend?"
"O-Oh! I'm s-sure he would love to have a visit from you! He says he knows you and well he likes you a lot!"
He knows me? What is he a stalker?? And he likes me?? In what way?? Romantically or Friendly?...
"Oh and may I what way?"
"In what way does he like me? Romantically or in a friendly way?"
"He told me he likes you sooo much that he wants to pin you on a wall and rape you....what is rape?"
"Something that you do NOT want to know"
Baldi said in a harsh tone
Scaring player
"Oh I'm sorry! Thank you for telling me this! And I love your sweater"
"It's ok and thank you!"
Player ran back to their seat and talked with their friends
"This is i have a stalker after me that wants to fuck me....greeaatt...I need to tell Kennith about this.."

No touching my Baldimore in the halls!(Principal of the thing x Baldi)Where stories live. Discover now