A/N and a cute chapter

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( this was published first so new people don't get confused about the a/n please))I'm giving this chapter because I'm having trouble with chapter 13 and it might take a while to update...till then have patience and don't spam comments like "update pls" or "we need an update" I'll update when I can and basically this is an au where Baldi and Kennith are already married and they have already adopted player so player can call them dads .3. And if you get confused on the mr baldi did that and a part that says dad no, Yeah Baldi told player during school hours to call him Mr Baldi -3-)

Player was drawing in class
Baldi noticed the player drawing
"Excuse me player...why are you not paying attention?"
Player hid the drawing immediately
"O-Oh! I-I'm sorry mr Baldi!"
Baldi got suspicious about players drawing
But he let it slide since he didn't want to embarrass player
"I'll let it slide....but please pay attention..."
"You're not going to punish me?"
"Oh yes I am...open your palm Player.."
"Yes Mr Baldi..."
Player opened his palm
Baldi grabbed his ruler and slapped players palm softly
Player was left with questions
(Why didn't Mr Baldi hit me with strength?"
(Why did mr Baldi hit me in the palm and not on the head or stomach??"
Player wanted to ask Baldi but didn't because they were scared
The bell rang
Player stood up
"Hey player"
Player flinched
"Y-Yes Mr Baldi?"
"Come here for a second"
"Y-Yes Mr Baldi!"
Player walked up to Baldi's desk
"Can I see that drawing?"
"Uh...what drawing???"
Player chuckled nervously
Baldi kept his expression straight
"The drawing you were making in class.."
Player felt uncomfortable
"Fine I'll get it myself..."
Baldi stood up and slowly walked to players desk
Player panicked and hid in the corner
Baldi looked in players school bag
He took the drawing
Player was scared that he would get hurt
Baldi took a good look at the picture
He gasped
Baldi's eyes started to water
"P-Player! This is..."
"I'm going to show this to Kennith!"
Baldi walked out of class and speed walked to the principal's office
Player was behind Baldi ,chasing him
Kennith got out of his office
"Yes? Why are you yelling? Did something serious happen?"
Baldi gave Kennith the drawing
"Who made this?"
Kennith said slightly blushing
"Player did! Isn't it beautiful?"
"Oh noooo..."
Kennith had a proud expression on his face
"I'm going to frame this..."
"Dad pls..."
"Do it hun"
Kennith went back to his office
"Why did you do that?..."
"I did it because I love you and I want you to suffer"
"Aw.. I love you too dad .3."
Kennith opened the door
"Get in"
Baldi and Player went inside Kennith's office
Players drawing was framed on the wall
Baldi hugged Kennith
"Smart idea babe!"
"Thanks Baldimore.."
Kennith kissed baldi lovingly
"Player! You should go to your class! Miss greeko won't be happy with her best student being late!"
"Ah! Yes! Thanks dad!"
"Have a good lesson!"

(So about miss greeko...she's actually my bbieal character and she's a teacher! She's the Ancient Greek teacher, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!)

No touching my Baldimore in the halls!(Principal of the thing x Baldi)Where stories live. Discover now