Chapter 7

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Art is mine ;p
I got ideas for chapter 7 from this art Lmao
Enjoy! And please tell me if you like it -u-"

The principal was in a good mood today
Baldi on the other hand was in a lot of pain from yesterday's incident ;)
But he didn't show it inside the school
Because the students would've figured them out
Kennith fell asleep in his office again
But had a weird yet fun dream
(Including his P.O.V.)
I was in the school
Patrolling the halls as usual
That's strange...nobody is breaking the rules...
And wait a that playtime with the bully's clothes? Aw she looks cute .w.
Wait does that mean that the bully is...
I try and find the bully
I found him and holy moly...
He is wearing playtime's dress
I hear a familiar voice
It was sweep with....AC's clothes?
I guess it suits him pretty well :\
I'm sure that AC is wearing sweeps clothes...
Wait what about Baldi..?
I get into his classroom and look at his clothes
I look at the clothes I'm wearing
I'm wearing Baldimore's clothes holy crap
I leave the classroom
I love this idea .>.
(99 seconds no POV for chu when will chu learn? :> )
The principal wakes up
"Holy shit yes"
He went to Baldi's classroom and told everyone
"Greetings students! I forgot to tell you all, today it's clothes swap day!"
Everyone in the class looked at the principal with unhappy eyes
"Now go swap clothes or else I will let Baldi be the new principal of the school!"
Everyone was scared so they did as told
Imagine baldi as the new principal
We already know the rules he would put ._.""
The Bully was in playtimes dress
Playtime was in the bully's clothes
Player was in nobody's clothes because their clothes were attached to their body
AC was in sweeps clothes
And sweep in AC's clothes
Baldi went to the school faculty to take off his shirt
He himself did NOT want to be the principal
He would have a lot of responsibilities and he did not want that
The principal went to the school faculty room to change as well
He saw baldi there
"Hi Baldimo—"
Baldi was thicc as fuck 24/7
The principal just realized that
The principal almost nosebleeded
"Y-Your chest is really nice..."
"Fuck you..."
"Fuck me~"
Baldimore blushed
"Just give me your sweater and be done with this day ///""
Baldi wore the principal's sweater
And the principal wore Baldi's sweater
"This is nice i guess..."
"It suits you so well!"
Kennith said with dem fully black eyes
"A-Anyways I should head back to my classroom because the bell will ring in 5 minutes"
"Ok I'll see you at 2:30 pm!"

Nice idea ehh?
I was just drawing and I said to my self
What if baldi and the principal swapped sweaters
So I made that art =_=
I know I suck at drawing
But that's really all I'm good at...
Anyways hope you enjoyed!

No touching my Baldimore in the halls!(Principal of the thing x Baldi)Where stories live. Discover now