Chapter 4

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Baldi got better
And also he got more mad at the principal when he heard half of his class failed the math test
The kids that failed were
And ac (arts and crafters)
He was mad at them but more mad at the principal
Baldi went to the principal's office and smacked his ruler
the principal was reading a gay magazine
"I-Uhh...found this at a student's locker!"
"Yeah get your ass over here..."
The principal walked over to baldi
"Is there a problem?"
The principal asked in a curious yet hot tone
Baldimore was still mad but he blushed softly looking at the tall principal
"Y-Yes! There is indeed a problem! Half of my class failed the math test! And it's your fault!"
The principal grabbed baldi's waist and pulled him close
"Calm down ,will ya? It's just a stupid math will give them more in about two weeks, correct?"
Baldi looked at the principal's fully black eyes
He liked those eyes
It reminded him of children suffering
"May I?"
The principal leaned close to his face
Baldi nodded
They French kissed lovingly
Baldi slid his hands inside the principal's shirt
Unfortunately the principal broke the kiss
"If we are going to do it...we are going to do it somewhere else...besides children might hear you.."
"Excuse me...they are going to hear me? Don't try do be dominant know I'm more dominant~"
"Oh really? Are you now? Just because you smack children that doesn't mean you're dominant~"
"Wait wha-"
The principal cut him off by kissing him again
After a little while the bell rang and they had to get back to work
The principal was patrolling the halls
And baldi was scolding children for their misbehavior
Baldi was still curious about how the principal knew that he smacked children
But he let it slide because the principal seemed calm about it
But he wasn't
The principal often cried in his office because of this
He tried to not show it otherwise the children would be worried about him, about the school and about baldi
It was lunch time
Baldi ate an apple and the principal was stalking baldi thinking that he gets more handsome everyday
Sweep was just sweep sweep sweeping the halls
The bully stole food from player
Player ate the food they had left
Playtime was asking player to play with her
AC was drawing
After a little while the bell rang again and everyone went to their classes

No touching my Baldimore in the halls!(Principal of the thing x Baldi)Where stories live. Discover now