Chapter 14

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(BIG/LONG CHAPTER) = 1320 Words
July 14 2018
Time: 5:43 pm
Prom day

Everyone passed on the exams
And when I mean everyone I mean everyone
The exams were hard for some students but they managed to do it
Today was prom day and the day Kennith would propose
Player was shy to ask anyone to dance with them so Baldi offered to dance with them
Player accepted because after a week of living with the couple they became more comfortable with them
Player was not adopted yet though
But they were allowed to live with them all they wanted
The three wore their prom clothes
The author has no description of the clothes so she'll just show a picture

Everyone passed on the examsAnd when I mean everyone I mean everyoneThe exams were hard for some students but they managed to do itToday was prom day and the day Kennith would propose Player was shy to ask anyone to dance with them so Baldi offere...

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(Art made by me ;3;)
The were all fancy looking
"So player, who were you actually going to ask for prom?"
"W-Well...I was planning t-to ask you Mr Baldi!"
Baldi laughed
"Please player call me Baldi! Very nice of you to ask me! I'll very happily accept!"
Player hugged Baldi
"Thank you!"
Kennith started getting jealous
"I thought I was going with you!"
Kennith pouted
Baldi wheezed
Player walked to Kennith
"Kennith can I tell you something?"
Kennith nodded
"He loves me better~"
Player whispered quiet enough so Baldi wouldn't hear
Baldi still heard but made no comment
Kennith got triggered and flipped a table
The table landed on its feet
Player tugged on Baldi's shirt
"Can you carry me on your shoulders?"
"Yes of course!"
Baldi put player on his shoulders
"Lets go, we don't want to be late!"
"Yes of course"
"Yeah! Let's go!"
Baldi walked out first
Player looked back at Kennith
Player smirked and raised the middle finger at him
Kennith got mad but he let it slide
They walked to the school since it was close
Five minutes later they arrive
They open the school doors and face playtime
"h⃣i⃣ m⃣r⃣ p⃣r⃣i⃣n⃣c⃣i⃣p⃣a⃣l⃣! h⃣i⃣ m⃣r⃣ b⃣a⃣l⃣d⃣i⃣! h⃣i⃣ p⃣l⃣a⃣y⃣e⃣r⃣!"
Playtime cheerfully greeted them
"Hello playtime!"
Player got off Baldi's shoulders and grabbed his hand
Kennith put his arm around Baldi's waist
"What? Can't I hug my boyfriend?"
Playtime squealed
Kennith looked at player with a challenging look
"Fight me..."
He whispered quietly
"Oh I will..."
Player whispered back
Baldi still heard everything
But tried not to step into the fight between them even if he was the cause
Player grabbed Kennith and dragged him somewhere private
Baldi went to get some juice
"This is quite a strange day but meh...I've had worse"
He drank juice
Now going back to player and Kennith
"Baldi will dance with me! He already accepted anyways!"
"Yes he did but I'm his boyfriend...he'll dance with me first..."
"You hope to much old man..."
"Excuse me...I'm sixteen years older than am I old?"
Kennith was twenty six
Player was ten
So Kennith was still young
But player was younger
"Oh yeah? Well I'm sixteen years younger than you! So you're old in my eyes!"
"Uh ok..."
The slow music started
Baldi was waiting for Kennith or player to show up and dance with him
"Well that's my cue to go"
Kennith started walking towards Baldi's direction
Player sighed and went to their friends
"Stupid Kennith...stealing MY Baldi! I'll show him!"
Player was jealous AF
Kennith sneaked up behind Baldi and kissed his neck
Baldi flinched
"Jesus fuck- Kennith! Don't do that!"
"I'm sorry! You just look so cute when you're scared!"
"Want to dance?"
Baldi smiled and nodded
Kennith placed his hands on Baldi's waist
Baldi put both of his hands on Kennith's shoulders
The slow danced peacefully
An hour later the song ended
Kennith leaned closer to Baldi's face
Baldi did the same to Kennith
They kissed

Baldi?""Yeah?""Want to dance?"Baldi smiled and noddedKennith placed his hands on Baldi's waist Baldi put both of his hands on Kennith's shoulders The slow danced peacefully An hour later the song endedKennith leaned closer to Baldi's faceBaldi did...

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Player looked at them with jealousy
They wanted to be in Kennith's place
But since they were too young they couldn't be in that place
They pulled away
Baldi blushed
Kennith chuckled
"We should dance more often Baldimore..."
"Yes we should.."
They both looked into each other's eyes
And let go of each other
Kennith went to get a drink
Next song was a freestyle song
Everyone danced happily
Player poked Baldi
"Can we dance now Baldi?"
"Ah yes! Of course"
Baldi and Player danced
"Wow player! You dance so well!"
"Thanks Baldi! You too!"
Player giggled
Soon the song came an end
Baldi patted players head and went to get a drink
Player wanted a hug but it's still good
Baldi met Kennith on the way to the snack table
(The snacc table had juice as well yes)
"So how was the dance?"
"With who? You or player?"
"Well I mostly liked when I danced with you but I had a fun time with player as well"
Kennith said under his breath
"May I ask something?"
"What is with you two today? Yesterday you were all chatting and hugging, today you hate each other and fight for me?"
Kennith froze
"How did you know?"
"I have great hearing, I can hear everything...well almost everything.."
"So who do you love more?"
"I love you both equally...i just happen to love you a little bit more..."
Kennith hugged Baldi
"I love you too...and I want to ask you something as well.."
"What is it?"
"Follow me..."
Kennith grabbed Baldi's hand and dragged him on the stage
"K-Kennith, what are you doing?"
Kennith grabbed the microphone
"Hello students and parents! Today we are celebrating the end of the school year! We hope to see you next year as well! If you have trouble with math, you know who to always ask! Mr Baldi that's right! And for this day only, I'm going to do the most hard thing I have done in my entire life"
Kennith put down the microphone
Baldi was curious
Kennith bent down to one knee and took a little black box out of his pocket
Baldi gasped and started to tear up
"Baldimore Basics, will you marry me?"
Kennith opened the little box revealing a ring
Baldi put his hands on his mouth
He started crying
Baldi hugged Kennith, kissing his entire face
Kennith started to cry as well
His black tears running down his happy face
The students and parents clapped and cheered
Kennith took the ring and put it on Baldi's finger
They hugged once again and kissed
Time went by fast and nobody noticed it went to 12:30 am
They hugged their teachers and left the school
Kennith ,Baldi and player got out last
"This is the best day of my life.."
"Mine too.."
"Same here!"
Baldi looked at player
"Weren't you just fighting for me a few hours ago?"
"Yeah! But I realized that I'm too young for you and I would rather have you as my dad!"
Baldi hugged player
"Thank you player!"
Kennith locked the school
And they all walked back to the house
Baldi was now living with Kennith since school ended
Kennith unlocked the door to his house
Player was sleeping in Baldi's arms
Baldi went to players room and placed them on their bed
He smiled and kissed their forehead
Kennith waited for Baldi to come out so they can walk upstairs
Baldi came out and hugged his lover
"Thank you.."
Kennith hugged back
"I love you too..."
They kissed quickly, then pulled away
"Let's go upstairs and rest, shall we?"
Baldi yawned
"Yeah, good idea.."
They went upstairs and into the bedroom
They changed into their pajamas
Got on the bed and slept in a hugging position as always


No touching my Baldimore in the halls!(Principal of the thing x Baldi)Where stories live. Discover now