Chapter 8

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(Got lazy on the art -3- sOrRy DoNt hAtE mE)
It was Baldi's birthday
Surprisingly two people only remembered
Playtime and The principal
"h⃣a⃣p⃣p⃣y⃣ b⃣i⃣r⃣t⃣h⃣d⃣a⃣y⃣ m⃣r⃣ B⃣a⃣l⃣d⃣i⃣!"
"Happy birthday Baldimore!"
Baldi almost cried but held back
"Th-Thank you! I didn't think anyone would remember!"
"Did you forget? Im the principal! I have all the teacher files"
"Oh yeah.."
"Anyways here's your present!"
The principal gave Baldi a box
The box was big and heavy
Baldi opened the box
There were a bunch of math books
Baldi's eyes turned into stars(metaphorically)
He hugged the principal and gave him a peck on his cheek
"Kennith I love you so fucking much"
"i⃣s⃣ t⃣h⃣e⃣r⃣e⃣ s⃣o⃣m⃣e⃣t⃣h⃣i⃣n⃣g⃣ i⃣ s⃣h⃣o⃣u⃣l⃣d⃣ k⃣n⃣o⃣w⃣?"
Playtime smirked
"Playtime please don't say anything to anyone I beg you..."
"d⃣o⃣n⃣t⃣ w⃣o⃣r⃣r⃣y⃣ m⃣r⃣ p⃣r⃣i⃣n⃣c⃣i⃣p⃣a⃣l⃣! i⃣m⃣ n⃣o⃣t⃣ t⃣h⃣e⃣ t⃣y⃣p⃣e⃣ t⃣h⃣a⃣t⃣ s⃣a⃣y⃣s⃣ a⃣n⃣y⃣t⃣h⃣i⃣n⃣g⃣!"
"Thank you..."
Playtime left to find player and play with them
Baldi was still smiling
The principal had never seen him this happy
Perhaps Baldi loves math more than him?
We'll never know....maybe it'll say it in chapter 9?(no fourth wall breaks! 1.000.000 detention for you author, when will you learn? Author: ;-;)
Baldi put all the math books in his bag
"I got to go! You know...usual class shit..."
"Oh yes... i understand! Don't spank anyone please..."
Baldi walked to his class
"Alright children....go to page 120 and learn have 10 not make me mad.."
They all flipped to page 120 and started to read everything
Surprisingly Playtime was the best student there so she learned everything quickly just like when she learned how to jump rope
Player was normal with math, sometimes correct, sometimes not
Bully was the worst
He couldn't even solve 1 + 1
Baldi waited patiently for everyone to finish
His mind would always go back to the principal
Baldi's legs and booty still hurt since then but he didn't care
He just wanted to be in the principal's safe embrace
He had to wait 20 more minutes till time got to 2:30 pm
Right now it was 2:10 pm
And he was impatient
"Mr baldi?"
Baldi flinched
"Yes? What is it?"
"Can you please come to the school faculty? I need to tell you something important..."
"Oh yes I'll be right there in a sec!"
"I'll see you there..."
The principal left Baldi's classroom
"Alright children! Keep reading and learning! I'll be right back!"
Baldi walked out of the classroom and went to the school faculty room
"Baldimore...I missed you..."
"That's why you brought me here?"
"Yeah kinda.."
Baldi hugged The principal tightly
"So worth it..."
The principal hugged back
"I love you"
"I love you more"

Still recovering from that AMAzInG NsFW  ChAPTEr???
Srry had to .3.
So I'm gonna make this story 13 chapters long and then I'm going to start a new book called SPANCC SPANCC? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yes I'm weird sorry -3-
Hope you guys had a good day!

No touching my Baldimore in the halls!(Principal of the thing x Baldi)Where stories live. Discover now