Chapter 9

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Nyssa's POV

Once the new recruits leave the room, I go over to the rack. I survey the weapons and finally grab a bo staff.

I walk back over to Sara and hand it to her. She takes it and stand up, I walk over to the thin training mat and gesture for her to join me.

I study her, her body is still a bit malnourished from her time on the island, but she has gained back most of her body weight. This should not take too great of a tax on her, I decide. I grab by own bo staff. "Try to copy me, I will fix your stances after you learn them."

I move into a normal hold, griping the bo in thirds; one palm up and one down. She mimics me to the best of her ability. She is a bit off balance but other then that she is doing well.

"Good, but center yourself," She nods and does as she's told. I nod in approval, "This is a normal hold. It is what you will me using most of the time."

She nods and I shift into a narrow hold, she realizes that I moved and attempts to copy it but her hands are too far apart and her feet are in the wrong place.

I walk over to her, "Move your hands closer, they should only be a fist apart. Also, your feet should be a shoulder width apart, it helps for balance."

She fixes it and I smile, "Good. This stance will be used less often but it is ideal for spinning." I shift into the stance and start to spin the staff over my hands until it is nothing more the a blur, I then throw it up in the air before catching it a few seconds later.

I grin when I see her dumbfounded face, "Do not worry, I will not teach you that for a while."

She looks up at me, "How did you become so good at this?"

My smile falters, "I started training as soon as I could walk. I have worked harder the any warrior here. I need to be the best to survive."

She sighs, "Kill or be killed right?" I nod.

She grimaces and I rush to change the subject. "The last stance I will teach you right now is the wide hold, it similar to the normal hold but you will be taking up ⅔ of the staff, it is used for blocking and defense." I go into the stance and she copies me. This time she looks perfect. Her feet are the right distance apart as are her hands.

I smile, "Perfect. Now would you like to continue or go eat dinner?"

She moves from the stance to a more relaxed position, "Dinner, I'm starving."

I try to conceal my grin, "Very well." I grab both of our bo staffs and put them back. I turn to face her, "Shall we?" She nods and we head back to my room.

Once there I go over to the fireplace and hang a pot of water over it, bringing it to a boil. "Chicken?" she nods and I put two chicken breasts in the pot.

Once they're cooked I sprinkle some herbs and spices over them. I place them on two plates and hand one to Sara.

She takes a small bite and her fork clatters onto her plate. I look up surprised, "Is there something wrong with it?"

"No," she replies, "It's just that this is the best chicken I've ever tasted!" She grins and picks up her fork to take another bite.

I smile in spite of myself, "Thank you. I got the recipe when I was in Korea." She nods and smiles, her mouth full of food.

I take bite of mine. It's okay, it is not the best I have ever prepared it. It must just be american taste buds. I think and smile to myself.

After we finish the chicken I get up and start my nightly routine; teeth, moisturize, hair, and finally clothing. I give Sara a night gown and toothbrush. After we're finished I help her into my bed. She settles and looks at me.

"This is your room right?" I nod. "Where have you been sleeping?" The question catches me off guard. "I have not." I respond.

"You haven't slept in weeks?"

I nod, "I have been watching and caring for you."

She frowns, "You need to sleep."

"I am fine."

She shakes her head, "Here." she scoots over in the bed, "There's plenty of room for both of us."

"It would not be right, I could not protect or help you if I am asleep."

She sighs, "Tell you what, you can have the side closest to the door so if anyone comes in the you can defend me. And I'll just wake you up if I need anything."

I try to protest but she doesn't let me. I sigh and eventually climb into the bed. Sara grins in triumph. I roll my eyes and lay down facing the door. Soon, sleep overtakes Sara, I smile as she lets out a faint snore. The rhythm of her breathing calms me, I relax and sink into Metztli's warm abyss.

Spirit of the Ashes: A Nyssara storyWhere stories live. Discover now