Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Nyssa's POV

I stand there bewildered. Why would he want to see Sara? It can't be because of her training; he never checks on the training of recruits, much less requests to meet with them. No, it must be because of something I did. He couldn't hurt her as punishment for me. Would he? No. I already took my punishment.

I sigh and look at Sara, getting more confused by the second. She shrugs as if she has no idea. Of course she would not know. Why would she?

I grimace and turn to the guard, "We will be there shortly." He bows and leaves.

"Why would he want to see both of us?" I turn to look at Sara. Her usual confident posture is tight and rigid. Her eyes seem to stare at me as though I am a life raft about to save her.

"I do not know." I admit. "But I'm sure it is nothing worth worrying about." I manage a tight smile.

She sighs but stands up. "Well, we'd better be going." I nod and open the door. Silently we walk through the hallways until we get to the main hall.

Two servants open the doors for us as we enter. I walk into the center of the room with Sara trailing behind.

Ra's stands with his back to us. I kneel and thankfully so does Sara. Her training on league ethics has been paying off.

He eventually turns to face us. I keep my head bowed, determined not to make eye contact. He takes a couple steps in our direction before stopping.

"Rise my child."

I stand but keep my eyes glued to the floor. He walks behind me, "Your back healing well I hope?"

"Yes Father." I quickly glance back at Sara, she seems on the verge of saying something she'll regret. "Sara has been very helpful with making salves." Thankfully Sara closes her mouth.

He walks closer to Sara. "It seems as though my daughter is in your debt."

Sara smiles at him sweetly, "It was my pleasure helping her after she was burned. You know, when I first saw her after, she could barely move. Thankfully, she recovered quickly." I can almost see an evil glint in her eye. I silently curse her for speaking to him with that tone. Hopefully he will not take offense.

Too much of my surprise, he laughs. "You have a fire within you. Not many would have the courage to speak to me like that."

She smirks, "Well then, it seems like your mighty warriors are cowards." I freeze expecting Ra's eyes light up in anger. Instead he just shakes his head at her and chuckles as if she were a small child.

"It would seem as though you still have much to learn in our customs." He clasps his hands behind his back. "If I wish it, I could have my daughter kill you this very instant." My eyes widen, he couldn't do that. He wouldn't. I would refuse.

Sara's visibly tenses, his words finally scaring her. He smirks and walks in front of both of us. "But that is not why I have called you here. I have a mission for you."

I look up at him, "I am happy to complete it myself. Why is Sara needed?"

He walks closer to me and hands me a file. "Taer-al-Sahfer has the unique ability of knowing of the landscape."

I quickly glance at the file and everything falls into place. I turn to look at Sara, she is trying to keep at blank face, but her confusion is coming through.

Ra's watches her for a couple seconds before answering her silent question, "Mrs. Lance, you are going back to Star City."

Hey guys! Sorry about the short chapter, but it was just a filler. Sara's going back to Star city!!!!! I wonder what's going to happen..... Well anyway, I just want to say that I love you guys, you are all so amazing and incredible people. 

Until next time, 


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