Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Sara's POV
    The plane ride to Nanda parbat passes slowly. I can't help but replay the officers words, I don't know what type of monster would do that.
    Monster. Am I one? Could I add that to my list of titles; Daughter,  girlfriend, Monster? A loose tear sneaks past my eye, slowly running down my face before falling to the floor.
    I almost wish I never got on that boat with Olie. Almost. If I hadn't, I would have never met Nyssa.
    I sigh and look over at her. She raven hair is neatly falls over her shoulder as she works on something her father gave her. It kind of looks like a puzzle, but more complicated.
    She senses me watching her and looks up. "We will be there soon, don't worry,"
    I nod and she sighs putting down the puzzle. She slides into the chair next to me, her arm draping over my shoulder.
    I smile at her slightly and rest my head against her shoulder. I can feel her smile as she gently runs her fingers through my hair.
    "Does it get easier?" I look up at her.
    She didn't answer for a couple minutes. "Yes. No. I killed by first target when I was eight years old. I had nightmares for weeks after. But slowly, I came to terms that I would have to do it again. So I blocked out everything that happened, creating two different people; Nyssa al Ghul, heir of the Demon, and Nyssa Raatko."
    I nod as she squeezes my shoulder. "That makes sense. Thank you."
After a couple hours, the plane starts to descend. I look out the window, Nanda parbat slowly starts to come into view. The village outside the compound has tiny dots of people bustling around, going about their day.
Nyssa gently squeezes my shoulder and stands up. I follow suite and we leave the plane. A couple people grab our suitcases and bags and take them to what I assume is our room.
I look over at Nyssa, hoping we can have a few hours of peace before seeing him, "Now what?"
I curse and she lets out a small smile. "It will not be that bad. And if you wish, after we could go into the village."
I nod, "That would be fun."
We walk down the rest of the hallway in silence. Our footsteps echo in unison.
Eventually we make it to the giant oak doors.
"Good luck." Nyssa gives me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before walking off. I sigh and open the doors.
Ra's is in inside, his back facing me as per usual. I kneel down in the center and wait for him to speak.
    "Congratulations." He voice was deep and sober as he turned to face me. I kept my head down, not wanting to make eye contact with him. 
    I can hear his footsteps echoing closer to me. "You have completed your first kill." I nod but still don't raise my head. "I did not think you had it in you. You proved me wrong. Well done."
    I remain mute.
    He sighs, seemingly disappointed. "Well, you are dismissed. Have someone bring me the report by the end of the day."
    I nod and slowly stand up, making sure not to turn my back to him. Once safely at the doors, I quickly open them and rush out. That was simpler the I thought it would be.
    I make my way to Nyssa's room and knock on the door. A faint "come in" is called out and I enter.
    Nyssa was sitting cross-legged in a plush armchair, working on the puzzle from the plane. As I walked in, she looked up. "How was it?"
I shrug and start to put my weapons away.
    "Well, would you like to go into town? We could get some fresh air." She smiles softly and puts the puzzle down. "I think we need something to clear your mind."
    God, her smiles are addictive. I nod and reluctantly smile back. "Let's go."

Hey guys, I'm so, so, so sorry for not publishing sooner. I got a major case of writers block and schools been so crazy that I haven't been giving Wattpad much thought.
I've already started the next chapter and hope to have it out soon. Sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer.
I love you all!


Spirit of the Ashes: A Nyssara storyWhere stories live. Discover now