Chapter 18

740 18 4

Sara's POV

Warning: Tons of fluff and cuteness!!!

I wake up as the plane starts to descend. Nyssa's comfortably sitting cross-legged in the chair behind me. She's reading a well-worn book with the cover falling off, I can only assume it's due to one to many reads. She doesn't look up, but I can tell she knows I'm awake.

The seat belt sign turns on as the runway comes into view. The plane lands and comes to a slow stop.

I stand and so does Nyssa. She places her book is her bag and smiles shyly at me. I smile back. God. I have fallen for her so hard.

We exit the plane and as we leave I see Nyssa give the pilot a couple hundred bills in return for his silence.

Once outside, we go through a back entrance; as to avoid any detection. I follow Nyssa into a black Sedan. Once seated, I decide to finally break the silence.

"Where are we going?" She looks over at me, I feel butterflies in my stomach. I don't think I'll ever get over the way she looks at me. It's with so much love and passion, I don't know how I'll ever deserve her.

"A safehouse in Dallyville. It's on the other side of the city, so we shouldn't run into anyone you know." I nod. It seemed almost surreal until now. I am going home. I might not be able to see my family, but at least I might be able to find out if they're okay.

We pull up to be what I think is the safehouse. It's an abandoned hotel, which seems a bit creepy. But Nyssa doesn't seem to care, so I try not to either.

We grab our bags and walk into the hotel. White sheets cover most of the furniture, but Nyssa's able to find a keycard behind the front desk. We try all of the doors until one opens. I gasp.

The room was huge and didn't look like a hotel room at all. It was more like a guest suite in an Victorian palace. The bed is king-sized with dark red pillows and blankets. Velvet drapes that fell over the bed. A couple plush sofas lay on the opposite side of the room. It was the complete opposite of the rest of the hotel.

I took a step inside and looked at Nyssa who was wearing a confident smirk. "Did you set this up?"

She nodded, "But it was no problem. I just didn't tell you because I wanted to see your face when you walked in here." She grins, causing me to laugh and lose all of my annoyance.

"Well it's.... Wow." I spin in a circle, taking it all in.

She smiles, "I thought you would like it."

"I love it." I grin and kiss her. She's surprised at first, but falls into it. She holds my head in her hands and pulls me into a passionate kiss. My hands start to slowly work their way around her body, feeling each crevasse, each line along her perfect physique. My hands venture over her curved body, exploring.

We finally pull apart and look into each other's eyes. Nyssa's are full of curiosity and love. No words are spoken but a story worthy of them is communicated. We stand there for awhile, just looking into each others eyes. But after a few minutes have passed, Nyssa breaks the silence.

"What was that for?"

I shrug, "Does there have to be a reason?"

She gives me a small smile, "I suppose not."

I smile and look over to the 60 inch flat screen TV. "Do we have to do anything tonight?"

She shakes her head, "We don't start the mission until tomorrow."

"Great! Can we watch a movie?" I plead.

She laughs as she sees me, "We can do whatever you like."

I grin and bounce in excitement. For some reason, watching a movie with Nyssa seems like a lot of fun. "What's your favorite movie?"

She thinks for a minute, "I have not seen that many films. I don't know." This only makes be more excited.

"Then we have to watch 'My Fair Lady' It's one of my absolute favorites."

She nods and smiles, "Then we shall."


We set up the movie just as it starts to turn dark. I make popcorn and Nyssa gets us some wine.

We settle on the couch just as the movie starts. I cuddle up next to Nyssa and turn to watch the film. She rests her head on my shoulder, occasionally asking questions throughout the movie. About half-way through, I pick up a kernel and examine it. After a couple seconds, I flick it at Nyssa, hitting her squarely in the nose.

She seems stunned for a second before throwing a piece of popcorn back at me. I laugh and grab a handful of kernels and start throwing them at her. She does the same and stands up to have a better aim.

We run around the suite throwing kernels at each other, the movie completely forgotten. The floor becomes slippery with butter from the popcorn. I attempt to jump and bomb her with kernels, but end up slipping and crashing into her.

She laughs and grabs hold of me so I can't escape. I squeak and struggle to move, but her grip is iron-clad. Eventually, she pecks me on the cheek and lets me go.

I stand up and offer her a hand. She takes it although we both know she doesn't need it.

I yawn and look over at her, "Do you want to call it a night? We can finish the movie tomorrow."

She nods sleepily, her mood completely changing from hyper and excitable to sleepy and content.

We change into our sleep clothes and clean up the kernels before finally climbing into the bed. I roll over to face Nyssa. "Goodnight..." I hesitate before speaking, "I love you."

She smiles at me, she seems a bit surprised but it doesn't stop her from answering, "Good night Beloved. I love you too."

Spirit of the Ashes: A Nyssara storyWhere stories live. Discover now