Chapter 19

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Sara's POV

I wake up to a small light piercing through the curtains. I groan in annoyance and look around for Nyssa. For a second, panic fill me when I can't see her, but I hear a muted thud from outside.

I pull my hair into a messy bun and walk outside. Nyssa is hanging in the air from her aerial silks, gracefully twirling in the air. She spins a couple times before descending a few feet. She does that until she's hanging right above the ground. She wraps her legs around the silks and pulls herself back up. She continues to repeat the motions. I watch entranced, She's so beautiful.

I don't know how long I stand there, but eventually Nyssa notices me. She visibly flinches and almost falls to the ground.

I stifle my giggles and she grabs the silk and jumps down next to me.

"You may laugh now, but why don't you go try it? I'm sure you will not make any mistakes." She laughs as I stick my tongue out at her. It may be childish, but hey, can't help it.

She pulls the silk down and folds it up. "Are you ready to begin the mission?" All of the warmth seemed to drain out of the room.

I feel myself stiffen, by joints refusing to move. After a couple seconds, I nod curtly. Even the small amount of effort that took seemed to drain me.

She looks at me, pity evident in her eyes.

"Let's go."


I'm dressed in the leagues traditional armor as I stand next to Nyssa on top of the building where Xavier lives. I look over at Nyssa and she gives me a reassuring smile and slowly nods, telling me it's time.

I nod back and do a swan dive off the building. As I fall, I throw a grappling hook onto a window sill and catch myself a couple hundred feet from the ground. Carefully, I pull myself up to the ledge and kick out the window before swinging into the apartment.

It's pretty small, with just two rooms and a tiny bathroom. I look around while I wait for Xavier to get home.

Eventually I hear the door knob jiggle. I sink into the shadows as he walks into the room. He busies himself with putting away groceries completely unaware of my presence.

Dread curls into my stomach as I step out of the shadows. He jumps when he hears me and turns around.

"In the name of Ra's Al Ghul, you have been sentenced to death." My voice does not sound like my own. It's deep and strong, completely opposite to how I'm feeling.

He starts to panic. He tries to throw a kitchen knife at me, but it's easy to dodge. I take out a throwing knife and aim for his chest.

"P-please, Please, Ra's al Ghul will never know you let me live."

I hesitate, but only for a second, I throw the knife. It buries itself in his chest as he falls to the floor.

I turn to leave, but a shrill scream stops me. A little girl, no older the 6 runs into the room. I try to escape, but my feet seem to be glued to the floor.

"Pappe!" She runs to Xavier's side. He weakly looks over at her, his life force draining quickly.

She grasps his hand and lets out a wail before starting to cry. I want to look away, but I can't.

Xaviers hand drops from the girls grip. She looks directly at me, as though noticing me for the first time. I want to apologize, tell her that I didn't want to kill him, but I know nothing I do will ease her grief.

Her deep brown eyes look so lost and sorrowful, I know I will never forget them.

After a few seconds, I'm able to turn away. I jump out of the window, Nyssa is waiting for me on the ground.

With one look, she envelops me in a hug. I melt into it, not wanting to think anymore. We remain that way for a few minutes before I pull away. She looks confused at first, but the understanding dawns on her.

I'm a murderer, I don't deserve to be loved.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, I've been really busy with school and stuff. Thanks again for reading. I love you all!!!


Spirit of the Ashes: A Nyssara storyWhere stories live. Discover now