Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Sara's POV

We slowly make our way down the mountain. The sun had started to peak through and was warming the air around us. As per usual, Nyssa insisted on bringing her sword, but I convinced her to leave her armor. She was instead wearing a deep red blouse with a black blazer, her hair cascading down to her waist. She looked like she could finish a mission right before dining with the president.

She notices me staring and looks over at me, "What?"

"Nothing," I let out a small smile, "Just wondering how you got to be so beautiful"

She blushes. "How do I deserve you?"

I smile slightly. "I think it has something to do with you finding me unconscious on an island." I laugh and she join in.

We eventually get to the edge of the village. It's bustling with people, everyone enjoying the warm weather.

"So, what do you want to do first?" She asks me.

"Um." I look around. "How about we go to the market?"

She nods, "Whatever you wish."

As we near the market the crowd starts to thicken. People are yelling loudly and bumping into each other as they try to get to the desired stalls.

Nyssa seems to be a little annoyed by all the noise, but doesn't say anything. I smile softly and take her hand in mine.

"I know you want to. Go ahead."

She smiles at me and slowly lets go of my hand. She quietly slips into the middle of the crowd. One there, she casts a quiet smile at me before clearing her throat. A couple people glance at her and look away before doing a double take. They freeze, drawing more people to look over at her. Like a ripple, silence falls over the square.

Nyssa nods curtly to the townsfolk who are now watching her with apparent fear. Gesturing for me, I strutted to her.

As we walked off, I turned to her. "You loved that, didn't you?"

She smiles at me slightly. "Perhaps."


We walk around the market, buying things occasionally and just enjoying each other's company. Once in a while, someone will come up to us, mainly Nyssa, and bow before quickly walking away.

Each time I can't help but to smirk at her. "What did you do to become to feared and respected?" I eventually ask.

"I may have killed a couple people who had been hurting the village." She smirks at my expression. "Do not worry, they were kidnapping and raping young girls, I merely set them straight. Permanently."

I nod, a bit bewlidered by this new piece on information. "What did Ra's have to say about it?"

"Who's to say he knew?" She laughs and I join in.

We continue on till we get to the outskirts of the village. The sun had just started to set, creating a beautiful blend of reds and purples.

"Ready to turn back?" I ask her, pulling my newly acquired sweater closer around me. "It's getting cold."

She didn't answer.

"Nyssa?" She still didn't look at me.

I peered around her to see what she was looking at.

A group of kids had tracked down a young boy and were throwing something around, obviously keeping it away from him. Everytime he would try to get it back, they would push him to the ground. Eventually he gave up and stayed there.

Before I could stop her, Nyssa started towards them, I could have sworn a trail of fire followed. I ran to catch up with her.

"Nyssa." I ran in front of her, "If you do what I think you're going to do. Please be rational, they're just kids."

She nods curtly, but I can see she's still pissed. I reluctantly step aside as she paces towards them.

They look up as she gets closer. Some of them are laughing nervously while the others took a couple steps back.

She stops when she's in front of them. "What were you doing?" She looks expectantly at the closest boy.

"We were just playing..." He chuckles nervously while looking at his friends for support. They all avoid his gaze.

"That did not look like 'play.'" She turns to the fallen boy, "Are you okay?" Her voice softening considerably.

"Y-yea.'" He stutters as he stands up, '"Ju-just playing." He glances at the other boys worriedly, something Nyssa easily picked up on.

"Hm." She glances at the other boys. "Leave. If I ever hear about you picking on other children, I will not hesitate to come after you."

They quickly scatter, not wanting to be around the feared assassin any longer. In a matter of seconds, no one remains except for the boy.

Nyssa looks around to make sure their gone before turning her attention back to the boy. She kneels to be level with him. "Do they pick on you often?"

He nodded, his head bowed shamefully.

She gently tilts it upward. "Do not be ashamed. It is them that are the cowards, don't let them get the best of you." She smiles slightly as he looks at her and nods.

"Good. Now go home, it is late." She stands up as the boy runs off. But before she could turn to me, he came back.

"Miss, take this." He hands her an ancient looking artifact. "There is danger coming." Before she could say anything else, he had run off.

She turned it over her hand before freezing. She looked at me, "We need to leave. Immediately."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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