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One Year Earlier

The Private Apartment of Stef Foster

441 Constitution Avenue North West.

Apartment 447C


District Of Columbia


Stef pulled on her crisp white shirt. Buttoning it up quickly and then tucking it into her black suit pants. She looked into the full-length mirror and turned to make sure it was tucked in evenly all around. She turned to her bed and picked up her gun holster, strapping it into place. She turned back to her mirror, making sure her shirt hadn't moved when she'd put the holster into place. She shook her head as that knew today was very important. She walked over to her safe, putting in the code she took out her gun and some ammo. She loaded the gun, locking the safety on, she slipped it into the holster.

She was doing this; she was about to start a job she had been handpicked for. She was going to become a member of the Presidents Detail. She ran her hands through her freshly cut blonde hair. She liked that it was messy but smart. She turned back to the bed and picked up her blazer, slipping it on.

She left the bedroom after taking another look at herself in the mirror to make sure that she looked good. She walked down the hall of her small Washington apartment, into the living room / Kitchen area. walking over to the island she picked up her White House pass. Clipping it into place on her trousers as her cell started to ring. She smiled when she saw who it was and answered it, putting it onto loudspeaker right away.

"Hi Mom," she said, as she started to clean up her breakfast things.

"Hey Stefanie,"

"I'm just getting ready for work Mom," Stef said, knowing that her mother would talk for hours if she let her.

"Are you excited?"

"I'm going to be protecting the President Mom, I don't think I'm supposed to get excited about that," She smiled as she spoke.

She was very proud that she had managed to get this far.

"Honey, you were hand-picked from hundreds of people."

"I know Mom, I was there," Stef shook her head as she spoke.

"Don't start with me Stefanie. Are you really ready for this?" Sharon was worried that something was going to happen to her daughter.

"I've done everything I can to be ready. I've done my training, passed with honours. Now I've got to get the job started." Stef took a deep breath, "I'm scared Mom,"

"What about?"

"If anything happens to her, and I mean anything, it's on me. I'm going to have to put my own life in the way of hers. She is to be saved."

"Are you scared you could die?" Sharon asked, her own voice shaking.

"No Mom, no," Stef said softly. "I'm scared I won't be able to do that, I'm scared my training won't kick in and I freeze, and something happens to her,"

"You will do it. You are a very remarkable young woman. You are amazing Stefanie. You are going to be a brilliant Special Agent. You are going to be fine. Trust me. You're my daughter."

Stef couldn't help but laugh at her mother.

"That's just vain Mom,"

"I know, I know," Sharon laughed. "I just wanted to wish you luck, I know this is going to be hard, but you've got this. I love you Stef,"

The Highest Of Office: Book One: The beginning of Office.Where stories live. Discover now