Chapter Five

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The Oval Office

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,

Washington DC

District Of Columbia


The whole room fell silent. The room was filled with the senior staff. They had just delivered the first part of the report in regard to the incident which had happened nearly six weeks ago. Everyone was watching.

Lena sat behind the famous oak desk. the file open. her hand resting on her forehead as she read the report slowly. she couldn't believe what she was reading. There was evidence that Stef's bulletproof jacket had been tampered with. The metal plates that made it bulletproof had been removed. Lena really didn't know how to react.

She frowned. That was all she could really do.

Lena looked up and found Nigel standing to one side. She was in shock.

"Am I reading what I think I'm reading?" Lena asked slowly. her voice even. She had slipped into President mode.

"What do you think you are reading?" Nigel asked, knowing that he didn't want to put words into her mouth.

"Stefanie's vest was tampered with," Lena said, making sure she totally cared about what she was reading.

"Yes, that is what you're reading," Nigel said slowly. he had been so scared, he hadn't wanted to hand over the report. Everyone in the West Wing was now fully aware that Lena was in a relationship with Stef. The rumours had started as the President was visiting her daily.

"Do we know why?" Lena asked, keeping eye contact with Nigel.

"No yet Ma'am, this is only the first report. All we know as stated in the report it was a standard issue vest that Stefanie was issued six months ago. It was issued to her after her last one was giving her shoulder pain. We reissued her with this one. We are unsure how it was tampered with. We are running further tests." Nigel said, knowing he had to sound like he knew what was happening. When he didn't really have a clue what was happening.

"I remember her saying she was having a shoulder issue." Lena rubbed her forehead before closing the file that was in front of her. "I want this fully investigated. Who took delivery, why it was tampered with and most of all why Stefanie. It's been five-week Nigel. Five weeks since I walked into that street outside and nearly died. Stefanie took a bullet. That jacket was supposed to protect her, instead, she's facing the rest of her life in a wheelchair. she has the right to know why this has happened to her."

Nigel nodded, he knew that the President was right. Out of everyone that had been affected Stefanie had had the most life-changing effect.

"I can assure you, Ma'am, that this investigation is far from over," Nigel assured his boss. This was a job he wanted to keep doing.

"Good." Lena said, "I would like answers, no change that. I need answers. This should never have happened. I also don't want it to happen again."

"We will find out what's going on," Nigel said, he knew how important this was to Lena.

Lena got up and walked towards the armchair that her blazer was folded over. The rest of the senior staff knew the meet was over and they filed out, Nigel stood to one side.

"Are you ready to go Summer Ville?" Nigel asked slowly. he had already put the team into place that would look after the President.

"Yes, Stefanie is being taken there as we speak. I've employed a personal trainer and a rehab nurse. She has a long road ahead of her and I want her to be able to get better away from the spotlight. This does mean I will be spending more time there."

The Highest Of Office: Book One: The beginning of Office.Where stories live. Discover now