Part Nine

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The Presidential Residency

The Kitchen

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,

Washington DC

District Of Columbia


Stef sat at the table, her glasses on the end of her nose. Her left hand on her forehead, pushing her short blonde hair out of her eyes. On the table was a lot of paperwork. She was filling it out, taking her time. It was for her work place compensation forms. They seemed to be endless. She wanted to get a new wheelchair,

Lena walked in, wearing her PJ's her hair up and out of her face, she yawned as she opened the fridge and took a bottle of water. Before looking to see what they had for breakfast.

"Have you eaten yet Honey?" Lena asked.

Stef didn't look up, she was thinking hard and trying to work out how to explain the shooting.

"Honey," Lena said again. She rubbed her woman's shoulder.

Stef looked up.

"Sorry what love?" Stef said.

"Have you eaten?"

"Not yet baby, I'm trying to fill this form in."

"I'll make you some eggs and bacon, how does that sound?"

"That would be amazing, thank you love."

"Pleasure." Lena got to work,

Stef looked at her, she smiled.

"I never thought that the President of the United States of America would be making me breakfast." Stef said, as she ran her fingers through her hair. Taking her glasses off and dropping them onto the paperwork in front of her.

"Well I never thought I would find an all consuming love." Lena said as she moved around the kitchen, making them breakfast.

"You know how to sweet talk a woman don't you," Stef said, watching her.

"I do my best,"

"Can I help in any way?"

"No love, you can sit there and looking stunningly sexy," Lena said as she buttered a couple of bagels

"You using me for my looks?" Stef laughed.

"Oh yes baby, you're just my eye candy." Lena said, smiling. before making them egg and bacon bagels.

"I always knew that you were using me to further your career." Stef joked.

"If you believe Marcus, it's you using me." Lena said as she sat down with Stef,

Stef looked at her shocked. she raised her eyebrow.

"Sorry what?"

"Marcus," Lena took a deep breath. "Has got it into his head that you're using me. that you're only with me because of who I am. He went as far as to say that you were just my bodyguard."

"I always knew I didn't like that man," Stef said as she eat her bagel.

"He is starting to grate on me too." Lena admitted.

"You can fire him," Stef said.

"The way it is going, I can see that happening." Lena took a deep breath. "Tonight I'm going to a charity event. Erm..." Lena stopped looking at Stef.

"What are you asking me Lena?"

"Will you come with me?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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