Part Two

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The Waiting Room

George Washington University Hospital

900 23Rd Street NW,


District Of Columbia


Sharon sat looking at the darkness outside. She felt alone as she waited for news of her daughter. She knew this could be an outcome. It had been the call she had been dreading. She had never expected it through. When she had heard on the news that someone had been shot. It was like she had known at once that it was Stef.

She wanted to be with her daughter. She drummed her fingers against her leg. She was scared. she wouldn't admit it.

She couldn't lose her only child. she would do anything to keep her alive. The door to the waiting room opened and a doctor in green scrubs came in

"Mrs Cooper."

"I'm Sharon, please Mrs Cooper is too formal," Sharon said. The doctor came and sat with her, looking at her.

"I'm Dr Karl O'Neil, I've just operated on your daughter."

"Is she okay?" Sharon asked.

O'Neil looked down, Sharon knew at once it was bad news.

"Is she alive?" Sharon asked.

Dr O'Neil reached over and took her hands.

"She is. But we have to talk."

Sharon felt her insides dropping she was scared. As she sat and simply listened to the what the doctor had to say.


The Backdoors

George Washington University Hospital

900 23Rd Street NW,


District Of Columbia


Lena couldn't' believe they were finally at the hospital. She hadn't managed to get any sleep, as she'd been waiting for hours for news. It was now nine hours since the shooting and it had taken hours for her to get news. Only she knew now was that Stef was out of the OR. She was currently in the recovery ward.

Lena got out of the car as the door was opened and was met by a doctor, who frankly looked terrified. She stopped and looked at him.

"Erm, Hello Madam President. my name is erm... doctor Karl O'Neil. I operated on S.A. Foster." He said, twisting his hands as he spoke. He had never dealt with a high profile case as this. he didn't want to mess up in anyway.

"Hello, Dr O'Neil. How is she?" Lena asked she was trying to be formal. She shook his hand. she knew what was expected of her. All she really wanted news. She was scared.

"Erm. The bullet went into her spine." He said slowly. he didn't want to comment on the fact that her bulletproof vest had failed completely, letting the bullet fall directly into her spine. "Erm. We managed to remove the fragments, however, we cannot remove the bullet. It is embedded in her spine. We are currently very worried about her legs. We won't know for sure all the damage until she wakes up. From what we saw in surgery there is a great deal of damage to the spine."

Lena listened carefully to the doctor knowing that this was a big deal. Stef was alive but her life was changed forever. Lena gently ran her fingers along her forehead. her head was still pounding from hitting the street early. She was also very stressed. this whole situation was upsetting her.

The Highest Of Office: Book One: The beginning of Office.Where stories live. Discover now