Chapter Three

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The Recovery Unit

Intensive Care Unit

Room 12

George Washington University Hospital

900 23Rd Street NW,


District Of Columbia


Stef lay in bed, as the doctor stood near her feet.

"Stefanie please can you try and raise your leg for me," Dr O'Neil asked.

Stef looked at her mother as she tried. She was getting shooting pains up her spine and Sharon could see the pain her daughter was in. Stef was trying to lift her leg, but nothing happened. Sharon could see the frustration that was starting to take over Stef.

"This isn't good is it?" Stef said,

"It doesn't look great," Dr O'Neil made notes onto his iPad. "Are you in pain?"

"I keep getting a shooting pain up my spine,"

"It will appear the bullet may be hitting the nerve, hopefully, that will ease." He said looking at her. "I'm sorry it's not the news you wanted."

"Is there any chance that this could change?" Stef asked slowly wrapping her fingers around her mother's hand for support.

"I want to be honest," Dr O'Neil said. "it's unlikely that the situation is going to change. We are going to enrol you into rehab."

Stef didn't' know what to say.

"Thank you," Sharon said, as Dr O'Neil nodded and then left.


The Oval Office

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,

Washington DC

District Of Columbia


Lena sat in the Oval Office, she had barely slept, she had got home from the hospital around five and it was now half ten. She looked up as Jimmy, her personal aid walked in with another cup of tea for her.

"Thank you, Jim," She said, he smiled and nodded before leaving.

Lena found herself rubbing her head. she had a stress headache on top of a headache from hitting her head on the street. She looked up as Joanna walked in.

"Wow, Madam President. You look good," Joanna joked.

Lena laughed softly. glad that someone around here was still joking around. She knew that everyone was working so hard. Joanna always knew how to break the tension.

"You mean for someone who was shot at yesterday evening," Lena fired back.

"Yeah, well. From the look of you. You've barely slept." Joanna said, sitting down and taking out her notebook.

"I barely haven't. we didn't get back from the hospital till five this morning." Lena said slowly.

"How is Stefanie?"

"She's awake, they are doing test this morning," Lena said slowly. "I've not managed to catch any news yet this morning, what's going on?"

Joanna looked down at her notes.

"All we have currently released to the press is that a Special Agent was shot, she's being hailed as a hero. She saved POTUS, there is a couple of channels showing the shooting. A number of people managed to get images on their cell phones."

The Highest Of Office: Book One: The beginning of Office.Where stories live. Discover now