Part Eight.

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The Press Publication.

The Washington Post

Published Paper


President Lena Adams has returned to Washington after a weekend at her private home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Photographs have been circling around social media and other news outlets of President Adams with her new domestic partner, her former personal detail Stefanie Foster. Foster was the agent who was recently shot in the line of duty when a gunman recently tried and luckily failed to assassination the President. Foster has a spinal injury from the shooting with has left her unable to walk. A full investigation is currently underway, as it believed that Foster's bulletproof vest failed which has left her injured.

Two of the photos show the couple kissing while they dealt with horses which the President keeps.

Not everyone is happy about the President's new relationship. Gretchen Weiss, an international businesswoman who is also the former girlfriend of the President tweeted 'Wow, falling for your bodyguard is so 1992. #overyou #howdidshelandyou'

The couple looked happy and relaxed as they made their way to Marine One which brought them both back to Washington.

It is unclear why Foster has returned to Washington as she was due to spend a long time at the president's private home. The White House declined to make any comment at the press conference last night. It is believed that Foster is staying in the White House with the President.


The Oval Office

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,

Washington DC

District Of Columbia


Lena sat at her large oak desk the Washington Post in her hands as she reads the article. Frowning slightly. She looked up at Marcus who was shifting his weight nervously from one foot to the other. A habit that drove Lena crazy. It usually meant he was up to something or something hadn't gone his way. Lena stood slowly.

"Are you going to explain why Gretchen is in this article?" Lena said, her voice was calm and even.

"It was a funny tweet," Marcus said without thinking,

Lena looked at him

"You think her tweet about the bodyguard movie and my private life is funny," Lena said leaning against her desk.

"Well come on it was clever," Marcus said slowly

"It's not clever it's insulting."

"You're dating your bodyguard."

Lena took a deep breath.

"I'm dating someone I fell in love with. A woman who means more to then Gretchen every did."

"I think you're in love with her because she jumped in front of a bullet for her."

"Excuse me?" Lena said, raising an eyebrow.

"I think you are infatuated with her," Marcus said, looking at her boss.

"Really and why would that be?" Lena asked she wanted him to explain himself.

"I mean come on. She takes a bullet for you and suddenly she's living off you." Marcus said.

Lena smiled. she couldn't help it.

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