Part Six

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Summer Ville Ranch

1144 Grey's Land West


New Hampshire.


Stef transferred herself out of her bed, that she shared with Lena, into her wheelchair. pushing herself back and opened the door, she opened the large French Doors, opening them out onto the large decking area outside their room, that gave them the best view of the ranch.

Lena's ranch was massive and well maintained. She was starting to enjoy her time here. she couldn't believe that she was so lucky. Lena had ensured that she could get to anywhere on the ranch if she wanted too.

Stef looked down towards the stable block. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with fresh air that surrounded her.

The last time she had been here, she'd been protecting Lena. she'd walked around the property with a radio in her ear. Wearing her full suit in the heat. She'd enjoyed walking around her. she'd not been as needed as she was in Washington. Lena had always been relaxed here. This is were they had really got to know each other. She'd seen a side to Lena here during that first year that she had never expected to be living here.

Stef looked back into the bedroom, seeing Lena's sleeping form. Her hand under her face, her arms bare as she was wearing a tank top. Her brown curly hair was up in ponytail, up on the top of her head. she looked amazing, even sleeping. Stef knew that Lena, got up a number of times in the night to deal with things that had come up. every time Stef had woken but was told to go back to sleep.

Stef turned back to the large grounds and could see the Detail moving around in the distance. It was easier for her to spot an agent. Lena would forget about them. here more than anywhere else. but Stef knew what it was like to be one of those men and women. She missed it. she missed the rush. Missed being apart of the team. She knew that life would never be the same, yesterday the press found out who she was. found out that she was in a relationship with Lena. It wouldn't change her. she knew that.

"Hey," Lena's voice floated from behind her.

Stef turned and saw Lena standing at the French doors, she was wearing her sleeping shorts and a tank top, her eyes still filled with sleep.

"Hey, how did you sleep?" Stef asked as Lena walked out, sitting onto the comfortable chairs that were outside on the decking.

"Better, after the phone stopped ringing," Lena admitted as she curled into the large seat. The morning sun hitting her face.

"Anything important?" Stef asked.

"Mostly about us, and reactions, plus some unrest in the Middle East, but nothing that can't sort itself right now," Lena said dismissively.

Stef knew she couldn't share with her all the time.

"Do you really think we're going to be news?" Stef said slowly,

"We are headline news. My phone is light up like a Christmas tree. I'm not ready to share you really," Lena said reaching over. She took Stef's hand gently playing with her fingers.

"I don' t think you will ever have to share me physically baby," Stef said slowly.

"I better not have to ever share you woman," Lena said.

"I feel..." Stef stopped.

"What is it?" Lena asked, her fingers gently rubbing Stef's pale fingers.

"I feel useless, I mean look at you, you're the President, you're sexy, and I'm..." Stef took a deep breath, "Just me,"

The Highest Of Office: Book One: The beginning of Office.Where stories live. Discover now