Part One

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Present Day

The Presidential car

Heading towards The White House

Pennsylvania Avenue NW,

Washington DC

District Of Columbia


Lena closed her eyes leaning back against the seat in the large car. it had been a long European tour, and she was glad to be back home, but she knew she only had one evening to herself before her life got crazy again.

Stef looked over at her after she had looked at her phone.

"Ma'am," Stef said,

Lena smiled; it was rare when they were alone that Stef was so formal. Over the last year, they had got to know each other. But they knew when they had to be professional.

"Mmm," Lena said opening he eyes and looking over at Stef.

"There is a large crowd outside of the White House waiting for your return. Nigel would like to know if you would be able to do a little walk around. Meet the people, say hello you know the usual."

"I'm tired but I think I should,"

"You do have the highest rating of any President a year into their term," Stef said smiling.

"Is all the security in place?" Lena asked,

Stef looked down at her phone. Reading the messages that come through.

"Yeah, we are all in place. You're to walk down the driveway and meet the crowds, they are contained by barriers. We have about twenty FBI agents, twenty Special Agents and the Washington D.C police department." Stef said.

"It looks like we are doing this then. Let Nigel know that we will do this, however, I'm only doing a maximum of half an hour." Lena said. "I really need to get some sleep."

They could hear the crowds as they neared the White House. Lena took a deep breath. She knew she had to look awake.

The car turned onto the driveway and stopped halfway up. The door opened and Lena stepped out and the crowd noise was louder than normal. Stef grinned. She opened the door and got out herself. following Lena down the path.


The Driveway

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington DC

District Of Columbia


Stef looked around, her eyes checking out everyone and everything. She walked alongside the President as she walked towards the crowd. The people waiting were yelling and waving. They all wanted Lena's attention. The gates opened again.

Lena stepped out and was soon involved in conversations and shaking hands with the public. Stef watched her. taking in the woman she had fallen for. she knew they could never be together. all she could do right now was protect her. She stayed closed. Looking around the crowd. Watching everyone.

Stef saw something in the corner of her eye. She turned. She was right there was a man in crowd and he had gun. She was sure of it. The gun went off.

Stef moved quickly putting herself between bullet and Lena.

Screams filled the air as Stef and Lena hit the floor.

Lena was shaking, she was under Stef who wasn't moving. She was dazed and confused.

The Highest Of Office: Book One: The beginning of Office.Where stories live. Discover now