Chapter Four

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The Oval Office

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,

Washington DC

District Of Columbia


Lena looked at the at the plate of sandwiches that were on the small coffee table in front her. she wasn't sure if she was hungry or not. She'd had a terrible night. Every time she had drifted off to sleep she'd had a nightmare about the shooting. Her doctor had just been to see her. He had given her sleeping pills as she couldn't carry on walking around like a zombie. She had a county to run. a job to do that the people had voted her to do.

Lena picked up her cup of tea taking a long sip before she picked up a sandwich, taking a bite. She knew she had to eat. She was waiting for Marcus and Joanna. She'd spent the whole morning in meetings, all to do with her new Education Bill. Which she hoped was about to go through Congress.

There was a soft knock on the large door and it opened, Maggie walked in

"Madam President, Marcus and Joanna are here to see you," Maggie said walking in.

"Thank you, Maggie," Lena said, this woman really did look after her. she made sure she could eat. Making sure she made at least half an hour a day where Lena didn't have to work. Maggie walked this all out.

"Have you finished your lunch?" Maggie asked, looking at the plate of barely touched sandwiches.

"I think I will try and eat a little more." Maggie smiled. she liked it when Lena said that. "Some more tea would be nice," Lena asked.

"That can be arranged for you, shall I show Marcus and Jo in?"

"Yes please," Lena said,

Maggie went to the door and signalled for them to come in. they both walked into the room and Maggie closed the door for them.

"Please sit down," Lena said signalling for them to sit on the other sofa. Lena picked up another small sandwich, deciding to eat it. she needed to keep her energy up.

"What can we do for you Madam President," Marcus asked. He was confused. It was rare that the President called them in.

"I need to talk to you both," Lena said, she was suddenly nervous and she couldn't work out why.

"What about?" Marcus asked again. For some reason he always made her feel like a naughty schoolgirl.

"Stefanie Foster," Lena almost whispered her name. hoping that they wouldn't hear her heart beating against her chest.

"What about the Special Agent," Marcus almost rolled his eyes.

Lena looked at him. Sometimes she really had an urge to slap him. Very recently. Since they had got into power he had become more of an ass. The power of the White House was going to his head and she could see that. He spoke to everyone the way he spoke to her.

"Two days ago, Stefanie was shot. I was pulled from under her, I looked down and saw her laying in the street bleeding out and I was looking at the woman I love possibly dying," Lena managed to say with a lump in her throat. She couldn't believe she had said it out loud

"What?" Marcus couldn't believe his ears, he looked so angry at Lena's words.

Joanna simply smiled, the whole of the West Wing had been watching them. they had seen the tension between them. she had seen the way they looked at each other. The way they would talk to each other, laughing.

The Highest Of Office: Book One: The beginning of Office.Where stories live. Discover now