chapter 2: looking different

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"Ow" I said as i winced in pain, and shut my eyes tightly. May i remind you that the wall was a BRICK wall, so it really freaking hurt. I opened my eyes and looked around to see if there was anyone, and to my luck there was no one there.

I looked up to see that the man was staring at me, and i quickly realized that he was Alexander Bec. Wait why is he talking to me as even looking at me. He never talked to me before. I quickly tried to push his chest, but man that chest of his was as hard as a brick. Seriously what does this man eat? I realized that he didn't move a bit. He just held onto me tighter, and pushed himself onto me and chuckled.

He bent down and started kissing my neck, and started sucking onto me gentle. He slowly made his way up to my jaw and slowly went up to my lips. I don't know who he thinks he his. Why in the world is he kissing me? Did i give him permission? No don't think so. While i was thinking i realized that he started to kiss my lips. I didn't respond for about 4 seconds. Then he started to kiss them more rough. I quickly responded to the kiss and our lips were moving in sync.

Wait a minute why am i letting him do this? Oh maybe because he is hot? Wait NO snap out of this Ellie. I brought my knee up and kicked him where it hurts the most.

He bent down and put his hands down. "Oh fuck" He yelled. Oh no what did i do? What do i do now? RUN. I stopped staring at him and ran into school leaving him on the ground. I ran into the school, and sped walk to my locker. I have the same locker from last year. As i walk up to my locker my two best friends are waiting for me. Annabelle Jones (annie or belle( her nicknames btw) she is really pretty brunette and a little bit taller than me. Me being 5"5 and her being 5"7. My other best friend... Nick Carson he plays football and really good at it too. He has light brown hair with green eyes.

"Hey guys" I say to Annie and Nick. " Woah!" Annie and Nick both exclaim when i walk up to them both. "Woah what?" I question them. " You look so different since the last time i saw you" Annie said as Nick nodded. I haven't seen them this whole summer because Annie went to see her dad who lives in Nevada as we live in Texas. Her parents are divorced and she lives with her mom, and during summer she visits her dad for the WHOLE summer so i didn't see her at all. And Nick, well he went to football camp during summer to get "better" even though he is like the best at it.

" What" I question them both again. I mean i guess i changed a bit. I used to have acne, but i cleared it up this summer because it sucked and i really wanted to get rid of it. Oh and i guess i lost a bit of weight. I wasn't fat... I just had a bit of pounds on me haha. What can i say i like food. But this summer i just sayed in my bed on my phone, not really getting up to get food i guess." I don't know you just look different" Nick said and Annie nodded. " Is that bad?" I question them. "NO!" Annie exclaimed. "Wait is that why everyone's staring at me? Because walking into school everyone was staring at me and whistling" I left out the part where Alexander made out with me, and when i kicked him.

" WHAT PEOPLE WERE STARING AT YOU!" Nick exclaimed. He has always been protective over me. Like my second brother because James was in the grade above me, and barely saw me at school besides lunch. " Calm down Nick. I was just confused as to why people were staring at me". I replied to Nick. " They probably think you are new or something" Annie said. "Wait do i look that different?" I asked. " Yeah you look different, but we recognize you. I just don't understand because i get that you look different but not all that much" Nick said. "Its fine i guess". I said hoping to drop the subject. "Okay let's get to homeroom" Nick said to us. We all had the same homeroom, but i dont get why because homeroom goes by last name. As in i dont get why we ALL have the same i am talking about Annabelle because her last name starts with a "J". But hey i am not complaining.

As we walk into Mrs. Smiths room we all walked to a random table and sat down and started talking. After a few minutes of talking the whole class got quiet for a strange reason. I looked up and saw Alexander. Alexander started looking around the room, and his eyes wandered on me. Me. He smirked and started walking up to my table. I put my head down and hoped he walked away. I heard a chair next to me scratch on the ground and someone plopped on the chair. The next thing i do is the most stupidest thing ever, i looked up. As i looked up i saw Alexander sitting right next to me... smirking. I looked over to see my best friends. As i thought they would be they had shocked faces on. As so the rest of the class.

chapter 2!!! btw Victoria Justice as Annie Jones, and Shawn Mendes as Nick Carson
i think i am going to update everyday because i really think this book is going to get somewhere... maybe. but i have hope!!! i really hope y'all like this chapter! by guys love y'all!!

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