chapter 22: i love you

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Ellie's POV

"Tell me everything that happened on the date" Annie said and Noah nodded from behind her.

I sighed friends...

So after the kiss we left and we were hungry so we got food. Can you guess where?


I like how he didn't bring me to a fancy place because that's too over the top. And i wasn't really dressed for that sort of thing...

Then he brought me home and now we're here.

"Well he brought me to his hang out place, then we kissed, got food, and he brought me home." i say trying to get out as soon as possible.

"Wait hold the phone you guys kissed?" Annie practically squealed and Noah looks like he is about to explode from happiness.

"Yeah, so anyways-"

"Nope, nope, nope we need details" she demanded and Noah frantically nodded.

"Fine. when we kissed, i don't know it was amazing. I can't explain it but it was awesome, it was like my body was on fire and i... i can't explain the feeling i got" i tell them with the most vocabulary i can muster.

"Omg you're so in love" Noah says and i blush and smile. Am i?


"I'm home!" i scream to whoever is in the house. If anyone i home.

I start walking to my room when i get hungry. I walk into the kitchen and i stuff my hands with food. I grab a bag of chips and i start eating them and walk back to my room.

I shove a handful of chips in my mouth and open my door when i see someone on my bed. The person turns around and it's James.

"Ellie, i'm sorry" he says and i see his eyes are red and his face has dried tears on it.

I start choking on my chips.

"You-your so-sorry?" i question with chip guts all on my mouth. I know gross. Whatever.

He nods and gets up and hugs me. I hug him back.

"I'm such a jerk. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I thought it would help, but it clearly hasn't. I need you. I'm so so so sorry" he sobs on my shoulder.

"It's fine James. I know it's been hard" i tell him and pat his back likes eh good sister I am. I feel him shaking his head.

"No, it's not. I'm a jerk" he says again. I chuckle lightly.

"James, it's fine you're forgiven." i say and he pulls away and nods.

"Okay, thank you" he says and i nod. We start talking and he continues to apologize, but it's fine. I've missed him.

"Okay, so what is it that i've heard about my little sister dating Alexander Bec?" he questions me.

Oh shitballz


"Okay, why though?" i ask through the phone.

"Just please?" Alex asks.

"Okay fine" i say.

Alex wants me to go with him somewhere i don't know where but he wants me to go with him.

The doorbell rings and i start heading down to it when someone else has opened it.


"So what is it that i hear about you dating my little sister?" James asks Alex. Alex looks like he is about to pee his pants

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