chapter 21: the date

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Ellie's POV

"You look hot!" Annie screamed.

"Oh please, Annie. You know i don't" i say feeling a bit insecure. I mean would you not? I mean look at me. I'm a sad, depressed teenager going on a date with the hottest guy in school.

Not everyone's cup of tea.

Why does he even like me? It's unknown to the world...

"When is he coming?" Annie asks me. I check the time and it reads 6:22pm. Oh sheezballs he's coming at 6:30pm i'm so nervous!!

"6.30" i say and her eyes go wide like mine.

"Oh shit. You have 8 minutes" she said as if i don't know.

I give her a look and she smiles and starts running around the room getting my stuff ready.

Oh why is she doing this for me? No clue.

"Annie? Why do you look more nervous than me?" i ask he and chuckle. She looks up and smiled sheepishly

"Because you're my best friend and this is your first date EVER" she exclaims at me. It's true this is my first date. I know that i'm 17 and haven't been on a date once but hey! It's not like i haven't been asked. Okay you got me i haven't. Creepy guys at McDonalds don't count

"Whatever" i mutter and annie giggles.

The doorbell rings and my heart rate increases.

Annie looks at me and tells me to get downstairs in 2 minutes. She leaves and i wait for two minutes.

Let the panicking begin...

Omg what if he thinks i'm too ugly? What if he randomly decides he doesn't like me? What if he is planning on killing me? Omg omg omg omg omg..

Shut up Ellie!

why would he do that?

I check my phone and see that it's 6:36pm

Have i really been panicking that long?

I take in a deep breath and walk out of my room and down the stairs.

If your asking no i didn't fall down the stairs like the stupid girls in movies. Why? Because i know how to walk...

And i managed to get Annie to let me wear my vans. They are plan black so there not too ugly.

I make it down the stairs and i'm met with Annie questioning Alex. Alex has on a very terrified face on and i almost laugh

Alex sees me and sighs in relief and his eyes sparkle.

Annie turns around and smiles. She hugs me and whispers 'use protection' and i start coughing so hard, and Annie stands there like she didn't just tell me that

By the time i stop coughing i'm pretty sure my face is red. I walk over to Alex and he opens the door and we are almost out when i hear someone scream 'WAIT!' we turn around and see Noah. i smile

"Hey Ellie" i smile again and he looks up to Alex.

"Look here hot stuff, i don't know you all that well but if you hurt my sister i will rip every single part of your fine ass body and burn it" Noah says with a deadly tone. I don't know if i find it funny or scary...

Alex nods and takes my hand and walks me to his car. He opened my door and he gets in his side.

"So uhm the guy in there. He's uh, he's your brother?" Alex asks i smile.

"No, uhm i've known him forever so he's basically my brother but we're best friends" i say. I know  i say this all the time but i love Noah so much.

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