chapter 6: broken

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Ellie’s POV

45 minutes passed by… 45 minutes of Alex and Cole bothering me, and not leaving me alone. Alex kept on trying to get me to talk to him, but i ignored him. Cole was throwing paper balls at me, and poking me with his pencil. Only 5 more minutes of these idiots.

Oh and this idiot next to me didn't bring his backpack and he doesn't have a pen or a paper, so he’s doing nothing. I refused to give him anything… i know i am acting like a bitch but i don't want to associate with him. He can ask anyone else in the room, but no he chooses to ask me and bother ME. i am getting a bit tired of it.
My phone is buzzing a lot also, but i am 100% sure it is Alex texting me. Man, i am so close to blocking his number.

“Ellion Anderson? You are needed in the office” Mrs. Rodriguez called out to the whole class. Man i hate it when the teacher does that, because after that the whole class looks at you. It's just really uncomfortable.

But i am happy to leave the class, because that gives me time alone without these 2 idiots bothering me. Man when did i get so salty?

I quickly got up from my desk, and grabbed my things and looked up at my teacher. She gave me a pity look, but i just ignored it and walked out.

I walked up to the office and noticed that there were 2 police officers.

Why are there police officers? Did James do something and i need to go to the police department to bail him out? Did something happen to my home? Was it robbed? Oh no. What the frick happened?

I slowly opened up the office doors, and looked at the officers then at the office lady. “Ellison Anderson?” one of the officers said. “Yes?” i replied back at the officer, and looked at her in the eye. “Something happened to your parents” the officer said to me then gave me a look of pity.

“What? What happened to them? Are they okay?” i questioned the officers. “They were heading to work, and this driver crashed into them, and…” she trailed off.
“And what?” i said. I could feel my eyes watering. I just want to know if they are okay.

“The guy who crashed wasn't paying attention and ran a red light… the man crashed into your parents car, on the right side where your mom was sitting. When the man hit your parents car it flipped over, and your mom died to extreme blood loss” the police officer said.

Tears are streaming down my face by now, and the officer continued. “And your dad was barely alive, but once the paramedics got him out of the car they noticed he lost a lot of blood, and they rushed him to the hospital. Your dad is still alive but he is in a coma, and we don't know when he will wake up” the officer said as his voice cracked at the end.

By now the tears wouldn't stop coming. My mother is dead. My dad may never wake up. Due to a man that wasn't paying attention to the fucking road. I don't know if i'm sad or pissed off, i am both.

“NO, no my mom can’t be dead.” i whispered to myself. “My mom can't be dead” i said a little bit louder. Tears were streaming down my face, and i felt like someone was strangling me. I can’t breath. I think i am having a panic attack. I can't handle this. Why did this have to happen to me. I didn't even get to say bye.

The office doors opened and revealed James. He looked at me then rushed to my side. He wrapped me into a tight hug. “Ellie, Ellie whats wrong?” I heard James talk, but i cant talk. I can't say the words out loud.

James grabbed my shoulders, and made me look at him in the eyes. Tears were streaming down my face. I looked at him and saw that his eyes were glossy. He didn't even know what happened, and he is on the verge of crying.

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